Elena had just arrived at work she headed to her floor. She went into her office setting her things up and looked over new designs that were supposed to go out.

There was a knock at the door.  "Yes."

Elena looked up as one of the employees walked into her office. "Rebekah wants to see you."

"Alright." Elena grabbed her phone and headed up to Rebekah's office. 

She knocked on the door to her office. She wasn't exactly sure what Rebekah even wanted to see her about it but she didn't think that it was going to go well.  "Come in."

She opened the door walking in and closing the door. "You want to see me."

Rebekah motioned towards the chair she wanted to make sure she was alright after what had happened yesterday. "Have a seat?"

"Ok." Elena went and took the seat in front of the desk. She wanted to know what this was about. "Can I ask what this is about?"

 "It's nothing bad." Rebekah promised she didn't want her to be scared that this was going to be bad. "About yesterday my brother he was out of line."

"Oh." She did her best to not look directly at Rebekah she had already talked to Hayley so she knew that it was a big deal and it wasn't supposed to happen. "He's kind of the CEO." 

Rebekah didn't care if her brother was the CEO there was a certain way that things were supposed to go. "Yeah, but there are rules in place, and the people I hire technically he is supposed to have no contact with any of you guys. He is also not supposed to interrupt me during a meeting with one of my leads."

Elena nodded slightly she could tell Rebekah didn't know anything about her past with her brother and she was glad for that. "Oh, I didn't know that."

"It's fine i just wanted to let you know that it's not going to happen again." Rebekah was going to make sure of it she didn't want her brother to drive her away.

"Well thank you." Elena wasn't sure what she was happier with the fact that Rebekah didn't know about her past or anything else about the kids or that she got a guarantee that Kol couldn't come in. 


Elena was getting ready to leave and to head back to her house when Kol stopped her. He was positive that it was her he had slept with when he was in New Orleans. "Can I talk to you?"

"I kind of have to relieve my babysitter." Elena didn't want to talk to him she didn't want to have any contact with him in the near future.

"Than tomorrow," Either way he was going to make sure that he and her had a chat. He wanted to know if he had kids.

She did not want to have to talk to him again she preferred when she could just ignore him and pretend as if he wasn't around. "I have designs to look over Mr. Mikaelson you need the new design to launch the project and it is supposed to be my focus. Everyone is submitting one based on the criteria that i gave them."

"I am sure that Rebekah wouldn't mind covering for you." He didn't care if he had to make Rebekah look at all the designs he was having a chat with her whether or not she liked it. Whether or not any of them liked it. 

"She told me that I am not supposed to have contact with you." Elena was not trying to talk to him she didn't want him to figure out who she was and that he was the father to quadruplets.

"I'll talk to her." He didn't care what his sister said to her he was talking to her regardless.

"If you insist." It seemed like she didn't have a choice he was going to talk to her either way.

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