Rebekah walked into his brother's penthouse he had asked for her to come over. After her siblings and parents had convinced her that everything was alright she just wanted to go to sleep and not think about anything else. She looked over to him staring out of the window. "What do you need me here this late at night for?"

"I want everything you have on Elena Gilbert." Kol knew that his sister did extensive background checks before hiring anyone and right now that was going to be of great use.

"No not her please not her she has kids she has no life and she is building a life for her kids." Rebekah didn't want her brother to go and wreck the life that she was trying to make for her kids. "You said that you weren't interested, what happened to that."

"Those kids just may be mine." It was time he finally let his sister in on that little secret. About how he knew Elena before she had started working at their company. 

"What are you talking about Kol?" Rebekah was confused she didn't get how they could be his she did the research they had never met before. 

He took a breath before turning to face his sister. It was time he told her about New Orleans. "Remember when me and Nik went to New Orleans and we came back and we had found out that Hayley had Hope."

"What I don't understand?" Obviously, he was pretty sure if he was saying that there was a chance that the kids were his and he was bringing this to her attention. "How do you know Elena how could they be yours."

"She was there with Hayley they went together." Kol clarified he knew that it didn't make a lot of sense but it was the truth. 

At least things were starting to make sense for her as to why her brother started paying attention to her the first day that Elena had met him, "Oh god you mean you have four kids and you never knew. That would explain why she got so nervous the first time that she met you."

Elena walked into Mikaelson Inc. Going to the top floor where she was supposed to be meeting with Kol. She seen his secretary Vanessa at the desk. She walked over as Vanessa looked over to her she of course knew what this was about. "Elena hi he's not here yet."

"Do you know what this is about?" She was sure it had to do with the fact that they had kids together but she was hoping it was something different. 

"Of course i do i'm his assistant Elena." She knew everything he had no choice but to tell her. 

"Can you tell me?" She wanted to know what she was going to be walking into she did not want to be left surprised about anything. 

Vanessa sighed taking a breath she knew that this was a lot for her and she understood why. "Just do me a favor he's going to figure it out if he hasn't yet already when he does be careful he's not a bad person i know that you've been through a lot me and Rebekah went into your history but he's always wanted a family of his own. I'm not saying you can't avoid the topic but if he figures it out be honest."


When Kol arrived at his floor Elena was sitting in one of the chairs. "Vanessa hold all my calls." He wanted to make sure that he wasn't interrupted while he was talking to her. 

"Yes sir." 

"Ms. Gilbert follow me."

"Alright." She got up following him into his office he closed the door motioning for her sit down. She sat down in the chair as he went to go sit behind his desk.  "Can you tell me what this is about?"

"How long have you known Hayley?" He knew that they were friends and it was obvious from how they acted around each other that they had known each other for a long time. 

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