News had spread like wildfire about Kol having kids with a former one night stand. She refused to comment on the subject deciding to focus on her kids. She was watching them play when Hayley walked in. Elena turned to her best friend she was now more worried than she had been before. 

 "It's everywhere?"Hayley said she had wanted to check on her knowing that this was a lot for her. She knew she had never wanted anyone to find out about all this. 

"I know i seen Kol Mikaelson has an heir or multiple by one girl what is the odds of that. I really just want to be left alone right now Katherine is supposed to be stopping by later." She really was just hoping that her cousin had a solution for this. 

"So you haven't said anything on that." Hayley knew Elena didn't want to be involved in this but staying to herself was the worst possible option right.

Elena shook her head she really didn't feel as if she needed to say anything. She also didn't want to hear what anyone had to say these were her kids after all."No i just wnat to worry about the kids and it's none of their business." 

"Your right i know you are." Hayley knew that she was right but she was going to have to continue all of the options 

"Thank you." Elena was happy that her best friend was going to respect her decision on this. 

"I'm sure his family has seen that?" Hayley knew that Elena was going to need to prepare for it because the Mikaelson's were not only influential they were a tight-knit family. 

Elena turned around towards her she needed to make sure that she had heard her correctly. "His family?"

"He's one of seven 3 older brothers an older sister a younger brother and Rebekah his younger sister and an older sister. And his mom and dad who had given him the company." Hayley hadn't liked his big family at first when she had introduced them to Hope but it was something that she had long since adjusted to.

"Fuck." Elena hadn't even thought about all the family that he had and she knew that was just going to make this harder. 

"Not to mention I'm sure his ex-girlfriend has seen Davina stalks him." Hayley knew for sure that she had seen it and she knew that Davina was going to say something and try to use it to her advantage.

"Oh god." Elena had thought it was bad with just him figuring it out and now it was getting worse and worse. 

Hayley took a breath she knew that she was freaking out and she didn't want that to happen. "But I'm sure everything will be fine there is nothing to worry about right now." 

"Nothing to worry about everyone knows that he is the father of my kids." Elena wasn't sure why Hayley was so calm about this.  "But there is nothing to worry about are you serious right now."

"Yes i am."

"Ugh you are impossible right now and you are not helping."

Elena was sitting on the couch with kids watching a movie when the front door opened soon Katherine walked in.  She smiled at the scene in front of her. "This is cute."

"Yes." Elena was trying to remain calm and just focus on her kids. 

"I was thinking maybe you should put out some sort of statement or something before they peg you as the bitch who wouldn't let him see his own kids." She didn't want them to say anything to her sister because then she would have to snap because no one messed with her family. 

"Oh, Jesus." Elena wasn't even sure if that was a good idea she could only imagine what people were going to say about it. 

"Yeah i know you didn't think of that or you didn't plan it going this way but we are going to need to act soon." She didn't want them to try and take them from her. She was going to do any and everything she could to prevent it. "What if he says something or puts something out he makes you the bag guy and then he might have a better chance."

"Hayley told me he wouldn't try to fight me." Elena hoped her bestie was right but she knew that she couldn't be positive of that. 

Katherine was going to do everything she could to make sure that no one took them from her. She knew that they were her world and that she wouldn't make it without her babies. "He is a Mikaelson we can't trust that he won't try to get full custody of his kids which is why we need to act first and we need to do it fast."

"I can't put nothing out either way I'm gonna be the bitch i rather just not say anything." She knew that even if she said something she was going to get labeled the same way, She would always be the woman that had kept his kids away from him.

"Ok if you want to do it that way we can." Katherine wouldn't force her to do anything that was going to make her uncomfortable. 

"Yeah i do." Elena was sure of it she wanted to do it this way she felt as if she was the best way for her. 

"Alright then. But just so you know no matter what anyone else has to say you did what was best for your kids and no one can try and tell you otherwise." Katherine was sure of it she knew her sister was the best mother out there and no one could tell her differently. "I don't care who they are they don't know you and they don't know what you have been through."

"Thanks Kat." Elena was happy to have her as her cousin she wasn't sure she'd make it without her. 

"No problem."

"Mind if I join you guys." 

"Come on Jeremy is going to be back soon he's been staying here."

"That's good you shouldn't be alone."


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