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Elena was in her house she was watching the kids sleep. She was terrified. But she knew Hayley was right even if she thought she was a backstabbing traitor for trying to convince her to give him a chance after she promised it would be her choice.

"What's wrong?"

She turned to see her brother walking in she was confused about what he was doing here right now. "Huh?"

"You quit your job Elena i know that there is something wrong what is it?" Jeremy needed his sister to explain to him what was going on right now. 

She took a breath she wasn't sure what she was doing she just knew that she was scared. "I know who their father is Hayley said i should let him get to know them but I'm to scared that i am going to lose them."

"Elena you are not going to lose them." Jeremy knew that it was scary but it wasn't going to be bad. The kids needed a father and it was a good idea for them to get to know him.

Elena looked away from her brother towards the wall she wasn't sure if she could look him in his eye and say this. "I had kids with billionaire Kol Mikaelson quadruplets."

"Oh." He had to admit that explained his sister's jumpiness and why she was scared as of late.

She turned towards him nodding slightly she had definitely liked it better when she hadn't known who he was and he didn't know who she was. "Yeah I had a one-night stand with a rich playboy. Iended up pregnant and ended up working for him. And now he and his sister know and I'm scared that they are going to take them from me. I can't lose my kids I can't."

"Ok maybe your fears are rightfully earned but you won't know until you do something." He knew his sister just wanted to hide and hope for the best but she needed to act.  Hiding wasn't going to do any good for her. 

"I can't." She was to scared to do something she was to scared of losing her babies to that family.

Jeremy's phone buzzed he took it out groaning.  He knew his sister was not about to like this."We got bad news El."

"What are you talking about?" She wasn't even sure she wanted to know anymore bad news she had enough as it was. 

He handed her his phone with an article that read 'Billionaire tycoon has quadruplets with Mystic Falls golden girl Elena Gilbert.' "I'm going to take a wild guess and say that someone has gotten ahold of the birth certificates."

"No!" She had hoped that people would respect her privacy. But they got into her children's records and she hated that. 

"Yeah and soon enough you are going to have people at your lawn you want me to stay a few days." He wasn't really giving her a choice he didn't want to leave her alone right now. She was about to have a lot of people bothering her because of her kids. 

Elena nodded slightly she didn't want to be alone right now. She knew her brother was right people were going to start bothering her "Yes please." Her phone started to ring she picked it up seeing it was her little sister. She knew this wasn't good she was supposed to be in a class right now.  "Yes Maddie?"

"KOL MIKAELSON!" As soon as Maddie had gotten the article she knew she had to call her sister and see what was up.

"That was fast." Elena knew her sister was going to find out but she didn't think it was that fast.

Maddie wanted to know what her sister expected especially with what the article title said. "You think the title reads Billionaire tycoon has quadruplets with Mystic Falls golden girl Elena Gilbert."

"Why do they still refer to me as the golden girl?" Elena didn't get why she was the golden girl of Mystic Falls. It had been a long while since she had been that girl. 

"Because you are." Jeremy knew even if her sister didn't like it, it was true. 

Maddie didn't care what her sister had to say she should have known about this. "What the fuck Elena why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't realize it was him until recently you are still in school and i didn't want to bother you." She had been trying to figure this out herself without dragging anyone else into it. 

"I don't care i should have been the first one you called." Maddie knew her sister liked to do everything herself but she didn't have to. They were here to help her.

"I know." But she was their older sister and she hated the feeling of putting things on to them. She wanted them to succeed in ways she hadn't been able to. She wanted them all to do what there parents would have wanted of them.

"What are you going to do?" Maddie didn't care if he sister wanted to try and leave her out of this she was going to help the best she could.

"He hasn't met them yet I'm kind of scared." She was more then kind of scared she wasn't sure what she was supposed to do.

"She's freaking out over here Maddie." Jeremy knew that his sister was freaking out she had locked herself in the house and all. 

"Why are you scared?" Maddie didn't understand what she had to be scared of. But again she did know that her kids were her world she couldn't bare to be apart from them.

"I don't want to lose them." She loved her children and she had made peace with it a long time ago that she was going to be a single mother. 

Maddie understood that but she knew none of them were going to let her lose them. "You are not going to lose them it's a woman's state and if Kat is representing you there is no way in hell that is going to happen she is the best at what she does."

"I remember." She was happy her cousin was representing her for this she knew she was the best. She was going to make sure they stayed with her.

Maddie hoped that her sister would realize that everything was going to be ok. That she had nothing to worry about. "See everything will be fine and it'll be good for them to have a father and when you realize that everything will be fine."

"No." She didn't care if it was good for them to have a father she couldn't lose them to him.

"You will realize soon enough i have to get back to class."

Kol walked into his parent's house they wanted to talk to him about the article. He walked into the living room and saw his parents and his siblings.  He stopped looking at all of them. "Seriously."

"We've seen the articles." Christopher knew that everyone had seen them and were confused because they didn't know.

"Is it true are they yours?" Esther needed to know if she had more grandchildren and why she hadn't known about it before.

"Yes they are." He was positive that they were his kids there was no way they weren't.

"And you're positive you haven't even met them yet." Esther wanted to make sure that he was sure about this. Accoding to what the article had said he hadn't met them yet execpt for in passing when they were at his work.

"Mom they look just like me." When he had seen them he had thought they looked familiar and he knew why. Because they looked a lot like him and his siblings. "I met her when i was in New Orleans she got pregnant the same time Hayley did. It's Hayley's best friend."

"Then why didn't you bring Hayley." That would have been the smart thing to do bring her so they could ask her questions.

"Hayley is not an idiot mother she would know what inviting over here meant." Klaus was not about to push Hayley to tell them anything. This was her best friend and he was going to let her do what she wanted with that. "She is strictly on her friends side of this."

"And what is her friends side?" If she had four more grandchildren she was confused why she had never met them and had found out from an article.

"She's scared." Rebelah knew she had earned the fear. She had been a single mother and learnign that the father of her kids was a billionaire scared the crap out of her.


"We're a rich family she's had a rough life what do you think she is scared of."


Rebekah wished her brother would just listen to what she had told him. she needed to give her time to figure out what she wanted to do. "Yeah oh and rightfully so she doesn't know us we just have to give her some time and if he would listen to me and try to talk to her it would be easier for everyone."

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