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Elena was sitting in her office when the office phone started to ring. She picked it up wondering who would be calling the office phone. "Elena Gilbert speaking how can i help you?"

"It's Vanessa he wants to talk to you." Vanessa knew he wasn't going to stop until he found out what he wanted to know. 

Elena groaned she knew this was coming but she wished he could just leave her alone. "Why?"

Vanessa was sure she knew why already she wasn't sure what to tell her she was just passing the message along. "I'm just relaying the message he let you out last time. You didn't finish your conversation."

"Can you tell him I'll be up before i leave." She really didn't want to do this right now but she guessed she didn't have a  choice. 



Vanessa knocked on the door to Kol's office. "Come in."

She opened the door walking in and shutting it behind her. She knew he was going to want to be informed when it was Elena was coming.  "She said she would come up before she left for the night."

"Thank you, Vanessa." He had never been happier to have her as his assistant.

"No problem sir but if i may i think you're starting to scare her." She knew his intentions were pure she knew he wasn't trying to but she could tell Elena was getting scared. "And i know that is not the goal here but if they are your kids and I'm sure they are maybe a different approach."

He had wanted to talk to her but she had seemed to be making it difficult for him. "I've been trying but she hasn't been making it easy."

"Well you may just have to give her some time." Vanessa could see Elena had done this by herself for awhile this was all knew to her. 


Elena shut down her computer getting her things together heading upstairs to Kol's office. She saw that the majority of the office was already gone. She went to his office knocking on the door. 

"Come in."

She opened it walking into the room shutting the door behind her. She was nervous knowing what this was about. "You wanted to see me?"

"Are you going to tell me again that you don't remember me?" He was done letting her try and lie to his face when he knew better than that. 

"I-I-I don't"

"So what happened in New Orleans 3 years ago."

"I was never in New Orleans." Lie but she didn't care it was the easiest thing for her right now., 

"Hayley states otherwise." He had already gotten confirmation from Hayley that the two had been in New Orleans together.

Elena shook her head she didn't care if Hayley had already blown her cover she was still stating otherwise. "Hayley was drunk off her ass in New Orleans you can't prove it with me who she brought with her."

Kol got up from his chair walking over to her. He was going to catch her in a lie. He was going to make her admit that it had been her in New Orleans."How do you know she was drunk?"

"Cause i know Hayley." She was her best friend no one knew her better than she did.

"So your four kids aren't mine?" He knew they were his he had wanted to judge her reaction to it. 

Her eyes widened at the question she had known it was a matter of time before he would ask the question directly. "No, they aren't there mine."

"I don't believe you." He didn't believe that they weren't his after all Jordan and Hope shared similarities that they both got from their grandmother.

"They are my kids that is all that matters. Please excuse me my 2 year olds are waiting for their mother to come home" She slipped out the door and went to the elevator happy he didn't follow her. She went to her car and went home. 
Elena walked in and saw Caroline with the kids. Caroline looked over to her seeing she was clearly on edge. "Hey is everything ok?"

Elena shook her head she wasn't sure if she would be ok. She was terrified she was going to lose them now that she was positive he knew. "No."

"What's wrong?" Caroline hadn't seen her best friend like this since she had found Damon had cheated on her.

She went over to sit by Caroline mumbling so only she could hear her. "I found their father." 

"Isn't that a good thing?" Caroline was sure it was going to be good for them because they'd have a dad and it would be easier on her. 

Elena shook her head she hadn't wanted him to know she had wanted to keep it to herself. "I didn't tell him but I think he figured it out."

"Elena." Caroline knew her best friend was scared this was a lot for her right now but she knew it would be good in the end. 

She had done so much for her kids and she was scared they were going to get taken from her. "I know but i am terrified right now I'm scared of losing them I've done everything for them myself i don't need help."

"You may not need it but I'm sure it would come in handy." She knew it would be so much easier for her to have someone to help her. "Being a single mother is a job one that you have definitely succeeded at but wouldn't it be better if you had help."

"I have help i have you guys." She didn't need more than she already had.

Caroline shook her head she knew she had them but they weren't helping he could really help in ways they couldn't. "We do the basic things but they have a whole other side of the family that they have yet to meet and they should get to know them too."


"It's your choice I'm just saying it isn't too bad of an idea to let them get to know that side." She knew Elena would regret it if she didn't give the kids a chance to know all of their family. But she wouldn't push not right now.

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