Elena was sitting with Rebekah in the play room she was showing Rebekah the designs that she was stuck between. They were watching the kids play. Rebekah had to admit she was really happy that she had chosen Elena as the supervisor she wasn't sure what she was doing but the designs were definitely getting better. "They finally figured how to make better designs."

"I tweaked the a little bit to make them better." Elena had to admit they were good at the designs so she just had to make little touches to make them better.

Rebekah smiled she was happy that her instincts were spot on and she hadn't made a mistake in hiring her. "Well they are amazing i knew that you were gojng to be a good hire."

"So you didnt just hire her because she had kids?"

Both turned to see Kol leaning against the doorway, Rebekah rolled her eyes she was ready to kill him he knew better than Tod interrupt her when she was talking with one of the employees. "Brother if you are going to eavesdrop at least make sure that you do it right."

"I just know how you can be Rebekah yoy can't fault me for that." He knew how his sister wanted to be a mother and clinged on to mother's.

"Ignore my brother." She was definitely about to rip him a new one when he left. She didn't like that he was interrupting her he never did that. Rebekah scrolled to the design she thought was the best after Elena left he was surely going to get it. "The designs are great i think this one will be better."

"Alright i'll email the original copy." She didn't know what was going on but Rebekah didn't look to happy with her brother right now.

"Alright well i guess I'll be seeing you tomorrow." She and her brother had a strict deal he didn't mess with her she didn't mess with him and had been working very well so she wanted to know why he decided to disturb her while she was working. "I need to have a chat with my brother apparently he finished his work."

"Ok I'll see you guys later" Elena got up heading out and back downstairs to her office.

Rebekah stood up waiting till she heard the elevator closing before turning to her brother. "Can you not."

"I didn't do anything." He wasn't sure what his sister was sitting here accusing him of he was the CEO of the company he could do whatever he wanted.

She scoffed rolling her eyes she wasn't believing that bullshit. He knew what he was doing. "Your lying you never intrrupt me while ' working why was this different."

He had been curious now that he knew Elena was the girl from New Orleans three years ago. "Nothing Bex just drop it."

"Well i dont want to drop it." There was no way she was going to drop it she had hired Elena because she knew that this was one of the employees that wouldn't hit on her brother and now he was interested in her that wasn't;t "I want to know why you are interedted in her you are never interested in anyone else."

"I'm not interested in her." Or maybe he was either way he wasn't letting his sister in on that.

"Then what the hell was that. She is under me you aren't supposed to have any contact with her." Rebekah refused to let Kol mess with her knowing how much Elena needed this job for her kids. She wasn't sure what his sudden interest in her was but it needed to end now. "I am her boss she is a mother and she needs this job i will not have you ruining this for her."

"I have no intention of doing anything." Or maybe he did he looked over to the kids who were distracted by there toys he couldn't help but notice that they sort of looked like him. Which he would definitely be looking into her file about later.

"Really than what the fuck was that Kol. She knows she got hired partly because she had kids and partly because she is amazing at what she does." So far Elena was the best lead she had ever had and she loved getting to watch her kids she wasn't going to let her brother ruin this for her. "She has four kids she can not afford to lose this job Kol leave her alone."

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