Elena had successfully gotten the four into her SUV and lucily for her they were good in the car. When she got there she had them hold hands as she headed to Rebekah's floor ignoring stares she got. When she got up there she found Rebekah talking with someone. That was until Jordan accidentally fell and started crying. Elena quickly picked her daughter up trying to soothe her as they both turned to look at her.

Rebekah looked over to them smiling she was happy that Elena had actually decided to bring them she had not been sure if she would. "Oh my god they're so cute."

Elena smiled getting Jordan to stop crying she knew that Jordan was getting tired because she had been then first one of them to wake up. "They are there just a hand full." She loved them but she knew that she had to try different things with them.

"Umm this is my older brother Klaus my brother who owns the place is not here yet." Rebekah knew that Kol probably hadn't figured out why she wanted Elena hired so bad but she would soon. "What are there names and how do you tell them apart "

"There hair i literally had to have colored bracelets on them until there hair grew in." It was a lot easier to tell them apart now that their features and hair all came in. "Parker Blonde Jordan has my hair Logan has his fathers who i honestly don't remember and Dylan has brown hair long like me but certainly more wild." She had pointed to each as she named them off it took awhile to remember who was who when meeting them but it wasn't the hardest.

Rebekah smiled looking at Jordan who was now staring at her she looked familiar and she couldn't place where exactly it came from."She reminds me of my niece Hope. Follow me." Elena followed Rebekah with the four into an office that was remodeled as a playroom there was a little girl playing with blocks."This is Hope my brothers daughter he is the only one of with kids. I can't have kids unfortunately and my older brother who owns the company knows every girl he is ever with is usually after his money. So he has yet to settle down and start a family." And while she understood her brothers resistance at it she wanted more nieces and nephews. 

"Does Hope have a mother say brunette my height temper?" She knew exactly who Hope was that was her goddaughter. 

Rebekah knew that Hayley did have friends that she had yet to "Yeah her name is Hayley do you know Hope?"

The two hadn't noticed Parker walk over to Hope and sit with her. Elena was quite used to having Hope around her kids. "I'm her godmother."

"You're her you're the one she babysits for. Or kidnaps the kids from you as she likes to put it." Now while Rebekah didn't know much about Hayley's best friend she did remember what she had been told. "She told me if you get a Nanny she will fire her."

"Yes, that would be me." She loved her best friend but she also knew how she could get at times. And how persistent she has been about no nannies. "We were right next door to each other growing up"

"She talked a little about the fact that you both got pregnant at the same time. Something about pregnancy roulet. I remember her tracking my brother down he remembered her and well since then let's just say that he is a little protective of both of them."

"Yeah, I was always a stick so of course I noticed when I started gaining weight and then it was like i was constantly throwing up." And while she had thought that it was an average cold Hayley had been sure that she was pregnant so doing it together when she was sure hers were going to be negative didn't seem like a bad idea. "Hayley was scared to take it by herself so i was like."

"You can leave them here we have a camera i can set it up to stream to your office. I am always next door and if i leave the office to go to a different floor whenever Hope is here i just have someone come up and watch them." She walked over to a door on the side and opened it. She knew that Elena had no reason to trust her but she really hoped that she would she wanted this chance. "This leads directly to my office." She grabbed a remote off the desk and covers lifting showing the glass windows that peered straight into the playroom. "See through so i have all eyes on them at all times."

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