Elena really liked working there she liked looking at the different designs and tweaking them she loved even more that she could see her kids at work.

Hayley was sitting in her office bothering her as she was looking through designs. She had decided to bring the kids and let them play just so she could both her best friend. Or more like try and convince her the kids needed a father. "You know they could really-"

"No we are not having this conversation here of all places." She didn't know if one of them were going to walk into to check on the design progress. So preferably they could talk about it at her house or never either worked for her. Just not while she was at work. "Can i finish my designs and then we can go back to my house."

Hayley nodded she guessed they could wait to have this talk but they did need to talk about it. And it helped that they weren't going to have any of the kids so they could drink and talk. "Fine by the way Bonnie called she asked could she take the kids tonight."

Elena looked up from her iPad confused one wondering why Bonnie didn't call her and two why Hayley wanted the kids gone. "What? I'm assuming you told her yes."

Hayley nodded she knew Elena didn't like giving her kids away for the weekend but it would be the good for them to talk and figure out what she was going to do next. "Bonnie wants to take her godchild and her nieces and nephew tonight. She is off and she loves spending time with them when she is."

"And she didn't call me because?" She knew Bonnie was a doctor and she was always working so she understood her wanting to get them when she got the chance to be off.

"She did try but she said you didn't answer." So Hayley told her yes she could take them and she would let Elena know.

Elena grabbed her phone seeing all the notifications that she had. She had put her phone on silent and forgot about it. "It was on silent."

"And that would be why it did not come through." See now that it was solved that they wouldn't have the kids tonight they could have fun and actually do something. "We can drink tonight while we have no kids."

"Hayley." Elena warned she knew what her best friend was doing and she wanted no parts of it. She didn't want to talk about it she preferred to talk about it never.

"It's my day anyway and i take them on days that are not mine so i am fine with her doing it and we need to talk and since we can not do it here we can go to your house pack bags for them and they can go and we can drink." Hayley loved her best friend to pieces but right now she wasn't giving her a choice they were talking whether she wanted to or not.

"Bad things happen when we drink together." Elena reminded she wasn't sure if them drinking and trying to talk about this was a good idea.

"When we drink around people it will be just the two of us tonight." She needed Elena to really open up to her about why she didn't want to tell Kol the kids were his and she knew there was only one way for her to get that information. If Elena was drunk she would spill everything which wasn't always the best way to get her best friend to open up but at the moment it was all she had. "Come on we hardly ever get to do things like this please."

She looked at Hayley who was now giving her best puppy dog eyes she groaned she knew there was no way she wouldn't give in right now. And she wasn't going to be able to focus in order to get done with this unless she did. "Alright can i just finish looking over these desgins they are due Monday."

"Deal." Hayley now got exactly what she wanted. She pulled out her phone going to instagram to busy herself while Elena was working.

She packed the kids up and Bonnie came to get them. Bonnie was happy to take them and yeah sometimes they were a handful but for their to be four of them they could be so much worse. "Thanks for letting me take them."

"If you want to take them for the weekend and give me time alone i am all for it." She needed them time to think and figure out what she was going to do if he figured out the kids were his. "But why on your off days are you choosing to watch kids."

"I like your kids. I don't like many kids and with me being a doctor that may be a problem but i don't care." Bonnie lost track of time whenever she watched them she wasn't a doctor she wasn't a girlfriend it was just her enjoying the time with the kids.

"Ok." She kneeled down next to the kids she was going to miss them but she knew they were going to enjoy their time with Bonnie.  "Have fun love you guys."

"Bye Mommy Luv you." They all hugged her before following Bonnie out to her car.  Elena shut the door standing against it.

"Come on we got things to do." Hayley was making full use of their girls night and she wasn't giving her an out.

Now that it was just Hayley and Elena Hayley went and grabbed wine glasses while Elena set up pretty little liars.

Hayley sat the glasses on the table pouring some in each. When she finished she handed the cup to her best friend taking her cup and taking a sip out of it before turning towards Elena. "So now can we have the conversation?"

"I don't want to but i know that i do not have a choice in the matter so shoot." She would rather do it now she knew Hayley was trying to get her drunk to find out everything.

Hayley sighed she was happy Elena was taking the easy way into this conversation. "Why don't you want them to know their father?"

"Hales." Elena wished she would have started with nearly any other question.

"I know you can do it all by yourself but you don't have to." Hayley knew Elena had been doing it by herself and she was good at it but now she had the opportunity to get help in raising four children.

She knew she should tell him the kids were his but she wasn't even sure how that conversation would go. She didn't want  him to think she was lying about it. "What am i going to say oh i know i work for you and your sister hired me because of my children but did i mention i slept with you in New Orleans and the kids that your sister has been sort of obsessed with are yours, you are their father, I would sound like a freak."

"Request a DNA test." It was simple with a DNA test no one could deny that those were his kids.

She knew the reputation of Kol Mikaelson and she wasn't sure if she wanted her kids around that. She knew that it would help but she wasn't going to beg for help from someone who probably wouldn't even be willing to give it. "Hayley lets be real first he is just a rich guy who goes from girl to girl amd i would rather raise my kids by myself then with his help. I don't care how much easier it would be with him here helping me. I am not the type of girl to beg for help i never was and i don't ever plan on being."

Hayley understood her wanting to do this herself and her not wanting to ask but help. She would have a different response if Elena only had one kid but this was four and four kids were a lot of work. "Elena i know that you want to do this all yourself and i am proud of you for that but you don't have to you couild have help."

"And risk them taking my children." That was her real fear she took a sip of her wine looking at her best friend she was terrified of losing her kids.

Hayley shook her head now she knew what was wrong, Hayley knew Elena's history she had been adopted her birth parents had tried to come back and take her before they ended up dying themselves. But she knew Kol wouldn't be like that. "He is not going to try to take them from you."

"And if he does decides that he wants them you know he'd win against me in court i can't lose my kids." She had done everything for them she loved them more than anything and she wasn't willing to risk losing them. "I worked to hard to give them the life that they have now."

"Are you really going to make them miss out on having a better life." Hayley knew Elena was doing a hell of a job but they were Mikaelson's and they could have so much more than this.

"They don't need a better life." As far as she was concerned her kids were doing just fine and they didn't need anything else.

"Elena he is already starting to figure out that you were in New Orleans." Hayley knew Kol wasn't stupid he was going to figure out they were his kids and he was going to want to be in their lives. "How long before he puts the pieces together that they are his kids."

"Then i will quit and i will only be talking through a lawyer." She didn't care what she had to do this was her decision and these were her kids.

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