Davina was in Kol's office she was trying to convince him that going after the kids were the best idea. "If you don't do something you'll never see them. Do you know how easy it would be for her to say you abandoned your kids"

Kol shook his head he didn't want to do anything rash like taking the kids from her. He understood when was only trying to protect herself. "No one would believe that I'm not that type of person."

"I'm sure she could spin anything and make them believe it." Davina didn't want him to like her she wanted him to hate her and to have no connections with her. So she was going to need him to cut her off completely. 

"Davina." Kol warned he didn't like what she was suggesting and knew what she was trying to do and wasn't going to let it work. 

"You know I am right Kol she isn't even letting you see your kids and she probably never will you are going to have to do something or you will never get the chance to meet them." Davina was going to continue to plant this seed in his head until he did something and she didn't have to worry about Elena being competition to her. 

Rebekah walked into the office stopping in her tracks. She knew that this wasn't good if Davina was in the building today.  "What is that doing here?"

"Excuse me." Davina knew that Rebekah didn't like her but getting referred to as a that was crossing the line. She was allowed to be anywhere she wanted to and no one could stop her. 

"You heard me the first time what is that doing here?" Rebekah hadn't stuttered and she wasn't changing what she had said. She wasn't going to let this girl come here and try and mess with her brothers head. She knew what she was capable of and she wasn't falling for it. "For the last time my brother is not getting back together with you i don't know what you think following him around like a lost puppy is doing for you."

Davina scoffed she didn't want to hear that from her. As far as she was concerned she didn't understand anything about love. "I was just telling him that he should try to go for full custody of his kids."

"Don't listen to her. She is insane." Rebekah knew him going for full custody was the worst possible thing to do. 

Davina rolled her eyes she wasn't insane she was just in love with him and didn't want another girl coming in between them. "I'm insane this woman worked here had them here and still didn't tell him that they were her kids and she obviously had no intention to."

Rebekah scoffed she didn't want to hear that she knew why Elena had been acting the way she had and she wouldn't allow them to twist it. "So because unlike most women she didn't come to my brother asking for money and such and is actually scared of losing her children to us she's in the wrong. Get out."

"You can't kick me out." Davina wasn't going to allow her to meddle in her plan she refused. 

"I am doing it get the fuck out before i throw you out myself." Rebekah threatened she was no longer playing these games with her if she didn't get out she was going to make her. 

Davina rolled her eyes turning towards Kol she'd leave but she wanted to make sure that her message was clear. "Remember what i said you have to do it before it's too late." She shot a glare at Rebekah before leaving. 

"Don't listen to her." Rebekah knew that Elena needed time that was all and he had been giving it to her she knew that she was going to come around. 

"I don't know what i am supposed to do Bex."

"I know it's irritating and i know Davina was right she was here but she was also scared she's human and you have to give her time to process everything."

Elena and Hayley was sitting in Hayley's house watching one tree hill and drinking. Jeremy had decided he was going to spend the day with the kids and pretty much kicked his sister out. Hayley looked over to her best friend she knew this was all starting to take a toll on her. "Eventually you are going to need another job."

"I know." Elena took another sip of her wine she knew that but right now she also knew that there was a lot going on and she didn't want to leave her kids. 

"But" Hayley was sure there was a but coming with this. 

Elena took a breath setting down her cup she hated that her best friend just knew her. She was thinking of other things she already hated leaving the kids and she was scared of leaving the house and running into him.  "I'm scared if i leave the house i am going to run into him."

"The two of you need to have a serious talk."  Hayley knew having them talk and clear the air would fix everything. 

"I know you are right but i can't do it right now I just need some more time with them before everything else changes." She needed time before her children's entire lives up and changed she needed time to take all of this in. 

"Elena." Hayley warned she knew that she needed time but she had already had a lot of time and he still hadn't officially met his children. 

"Just a little more time to think of what i want to do and how it's going to affect them." That was all she was asking for was some time to think of how she was going to do this. 

"It'll do them good to have a father." Hayley knew that Elena knew that better than anyone that her kids needed their father. 

"I know."

"Ok just a little more time but then you have to do something talk to him and decide to do custody or something."

"Fine ok." Elena could agree to that soon she would have to figure it all out. 

Hayley shot her best friend a glare she needed her to know she was serious about this. And that it needed to happen. "I am serious Elena and I'm sure that you have nothing to worry about he isn't going to take them from you."

"How are you sure?"

"Because if he was he would have done it the minute he realized they were his kids but he hasn't he has given you space just think on that." And she knew that was something not a lot of people are willing to do. 

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