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Elena was sitting with the kids they were all on the couch but all four of them had fell asleep during the movie. There was a knock at the door. She slowly got up and went to open it. She was worried it was Kol at her door wanting answers. "Who is it?"

"Open the got damn door Elena i forgot my key." Hayley yelled she knew that her best friend had came and locked herself in the house and this one time she had forgotten her key. 

Elena opened the door and seen Hayley shaking her head on the otherside. But she didnt' care right now she needed her best friends advice. "Why does he care that it was me three years ago?"

"Cause he liked you that night and it made him forget about his complicated life." Hayley walked in as Elena closed the door. She knew this was hard for her best friend but she was sure it would turn out fine. "It's time you tell him their his its not fair to him and you know it."

"You promised and I can't lose them?" Elena's voice cracked she couldn't lose her kids. Right now she needed her best friend to be on herside.

"You won't. Now might be a good time to call your lawyer though." Fine if she didn't want to do it ok but they were going to need help from their trustful lawyer.

"What?" Elena didn't get why she needed to get her lawyer involved. 

"Elena call your lawyerr."

Elena took out her phone and called her lawyer.

"Yes Elena?"

"I need you i'll pay double." She'd pay whatever she had to in order to keep her kids.

"You get a family discount little cousin make it quick i have a date tonight." She was confused why her little sister was calling her talking about she needed a lawyer she had been watching over her to make sure she had not been in any trouble. 

"I might lose my kids." Elena knew if Hayley was telling her to call a lawyer then it was serious. 

"I'll be there in ten."

"Thank you."

Elena had put them to bed and waited for a knock at the door. She heard the knock and went and open it but it wasn't who she was expecting. She seen Rebekah tapping her foot. "There my brothers aren't they."

"How did you find my house?" Elena had thought it was Katherine coming to help them and had not expected her blond boss. 

Rebekah took a breath she may have peaked but she needed to know. They deserved to know. "It's in your file."

Katherine walked up and looked at the blond she was confused on how she was."Who is this?"

"Rebekah Mikaelson. Thanks for coming Kat." Elena was happy her cousin could come to help she knew she was asking a lot of her.

Katherine looked over to her twin nodding she had no choice she would never let her get hurt. "Of course what is family for?"

"Who are you?" Rebekah asked confused the two looked exactly alike but from her search Elena only had a little sister who was in college and a brother named Jeremy she was the oldest.

"I know we look like twins we aren't I'm Katherine Pierce." At least she always told people they  weren't twins and they were cousins that was all they needed to know. There personal business was there's alone. 

Rebekah took a breath before letting it out she knew who she was. The famous lawyer who had never been defeated."Katherine Pierce the lawyer."


Elena let the two in and they both walked in she seen Hayley sitting on the couch. Katherine looked between the two if it wasn't for the fact that they couldn't live without each other she would have tried to get Hayley's bad influence away from her sister. "Why is it when one of you are in trouble you call me?"

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