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Elena arrived at her job she went to the front desk. She was nervous and she hoped that this time the job would stick. She didn't need to tap into her emergency funds if she didn't have to. "Hello i'm Elena Gilbert."

"Oh we've been expecting you." She grabbed an envelope and a key card handing it to Elena. Rebekah had given her specific instructions for when Elena was to arrive. "Take the Elevator to the 8th floor you are under the bosses floor. The key is to your office"

"Ok." She took the card heading to the elevator. She hoped her first day went well everything was about first impressions.

Elena went up to her floor and seen a blonde giving orders. She was sure that she was one of the bosses. "My brother may be an eligable bachelor but that does not mean that he is interested in any employees there is always a chance but just want you to know i watch the tapes no matter how disturbing." Rebekah refused to let any of them try and use her brother it was not happening. Not as long as she worked their. She seen Elena and walked over to her."Are you Elena Gilbert?"

"Yes that is me." Why she had gotten such a high position so fast she wasn't going to ask. She had 4 kids she needed it.

Rebekah turned and whistled making everyone look at her. Her employees had a thing about disregarding direction and she wanted them to know how this was going to go. "This is the new lead for the floor you all answer to her."

"Yes Mam." They all nodded they knew how she could be when she was upset and they had no plans in crossing her.

"Ok follow me." She walked Elena into her office turning on the light. She had been happy when she had seen her resume. Especially since she was a huge kid person. If she could have her own she surley would. "When i seen your resume i thought you'd be perfect you answer to me and my brother we are on the top floor I am Rebekah Mkaelson Your application was amazing and the fact that your a mother i love children so never be afraid to bring them here. I have a kids area upstairs i made my brother get one you will meet him tomorrow i also sort of hired you because you clearly stated you don't have time for a relationship focusing on four kids and the amount of times women try to proposition my brother is crazy." She wanted her brother to fall in love but she did not want him to be seduced.

"My kids can get a little out of hand." She loved them more than anything in the world. But they weren't the easiest batch to deal with. That's why she only let certain people watch them.

"I am the youngest girl with four older brother i know out of hand please bring them." If she couldn't have kids she liked playing and spoiling other kids.

"Ok." She would bring them one time and see if it went well. That in itself was going to be a challenge and she knew it.

"Well i'll let you get to work" She did trust her at the job her resume spoke for itself her kids were just a bonus.
Rebekah had went to her brother's floor seeing him in his office. She went and stood by his doorframe watching his work. Part of the reason she did all the talking because he was usually busy.  "The new lead is in i told her what i tell everyone and asked if she would be kind enough to let me see her kids."

"Bekah your doing it again." He loved his little sister but he knew that she had a problem when it came to kids.

"Sorry i hate that i can't have kids and everyone else can." Three of her siblings had already started families and she couldn't have her own. And no one would trust a business women who was obsessed with work to adopt. Trust that she already tried. "It's only a matter of time before you have some too."

He wanted a family of his own but it didn't seem like that would ever happen. Not when all anyone really wanted him was his money or status. "Haven't we been over this already i am not interesting having kids with some girl that is not going to care about the kid and just about the money she gets from being attached to the kid."

"All women are not like that."  She knew that her brother had a point but she also knew that everyone wasn't that cruel.

He nodded he knew that all women weren't that bad but most were. And with his past relationship it ruined everything for him. "Most are Rebekah."

"Fine most are but not all. Speaking of she's bringing her kids here so please don't be surprised when she shows up with them." She didn't want her brother to do anything stupid when they got here. Cause she wanted to see if she could get her to bring them on a more permanent basis. "She does not want to she is only doing it for me."

"And why are you about to be watching someone elses kids?" He knew that his sister liked kids but he didn't get why she was just alright with watching kids that she had never even met before.

"Because i can't have any and the adoption process is not easy for me." She knew that they had their reasons for not trusting her but she did not like it one bit." I'm single a lot of people will not trust single women especially when i'm a Mikaelson."

"Rebekah." He knew that she had a point the Mikaelson family wasn't the most liked family around.

"Please i want to see if she will be ok with bringing her kids here once a week." It was the maternal instinct in her and she already barley got to see the nieces and nephews that she had, "I get Hope barley."

"Fine Bex whatever but no more conversations about me having kids i don't plan on it." Maybe it wasn't the best idea to wait and all. But it was all he had for right now. "Not until i find a girl that i know doesn't care about the money and is only there for the kid."

"Alright fine i won't bring it up anymore but you have to promise me you and Davina are truly over." She had hated the girl and she didn't want to ever see her around ever again.

He knew his siblings had hated her and maybe at one time he had truly loved her but that was not the case anymore. "We are never happening again."

"Good because i can't stand that girl." She had never really liked any of her brothers taste in women. But Davina had really done it for her she hated her and made it known everytime she would be around. Maybe it hadn't been the best thing to do but it always made for an eventful day. "I don't know what you saw in her in the first place or why you would ever date her."

"I don't know either at one point i liked her." At one point which had quickly changed when he had seen her true colors.

"Well don't get to that point again because i hate her." She didn't like when people used her family. And she wouldn't ever let it slide. And she knew that Hayley didn't like Davina either "You know that Hayley will flip if you let her anywhere near Hope."

"Ok." He had a point his brothers baby mama always made it known when she didn't like someone.

"Just saying and if Hayley meets Elena and you know how persuasive she can be." Hayley had a way with convincing people to do what she wanted and Rebekah didn't want her to convince Elena not to trust them with her. And she know that she would if Davina became a problem. "I am trying to get Elena to like me so that i can spend time with her kids."

"Being selfish." He couldn't really say anything on that the entirety of the Mikaelson family was selfish it was just a trait that they had.

She scoffed she wasn't being selfish she had been honest about her intentions. It wasn't like she had lied to her. "No i straight up told her i hired her because she had kids so its not like she doesn't know."

"What does that mean?" He was confused to what his sister was even talking about.

"It means that if Hayley finds out about Davina being near these kids and she meets Elena she may convince her to never let them be around me." And that was the last thing that she wanted to happen. She wouldn't let it happen. Davina wouldn't ruin this for her.

"Wait a minute you said kids?" He hadn't caught that the first time but no he had.

"Yeah she has four 2 girls and 2 boys Parker Jordan Dylan and Logan." She had did a deep dive on Elena's life and found out a lot of information that she probably wouldn't know otherwise. "She had quadruplets."

"Ok?" He was a little warry of how she had gathered all  of that information so fast.

"Don't ask me it was on her resume and a deepdive that i did." Maybe it wasn't right but she had wanted to learn more so she did. "And if she can raise 4 kids with just family and friends i give her props so don't mess this up for me." She warned she was not kidding.

Sorry about the wait its been an interesting couple of months for me
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