Kol was in his penthouse looking out the window drinking a bourbon. He heard the elevator ding not bothering to look back. "I don't want any visitors."


He turned around to see his parents and the Pi Lexi. "What is she doing here?"

"I'm here on business. They asked me to do a more thorough background check on Ms. Gilbert so i did."

"Have a seat."

Kol sighed before going to sit on the far end of the couch as his parents sat next to him with Lexi sitting on the opposite Sofa "So what did you find?"

"More than your sister did that was for sure." Lexi knew that her background check had dove deeper than Rebekah's ever could and that was a good thing. She also knew that even if Rebekah had tried she had been overly focused on the fact that Elena had kids. "I compared them she left off somethings probably because she likes Children or probably cause Hayley got to it before she did,"

"Ok so?" Kol was going to need her to clarify what it was that she had found.

"She is the oldest of 3 but her parents weren't her parents. Elena Gilbert should be Elena Pierce. Elena doesn't know but Katherine does." Lexi knew that was going to be an issue when she found out about it. But she also knew they were going to need know just in case. "And I'm sure she is willing to do pretty much anything to help her twin."

"They're twins." He had heard that the two were cousins and he knew that in itself was going to be a problem.

Lexi nodded she knew that it was a shock because she herself had been surprised when she had seen it. "Yes they are they share the same Parents Isobel Pierce and John Gilbert Elena ended up with her aunt and uncle and Katherine stayed with her mom."

"What else?" Kol was going to need to know everything that they were going to deal with. 

Lexi cleared her throat she knew she was going to need to need to tell them this but she didn't want to. "Her ex cheated on her she was dating Damon Salvatore Hayley was dating Stefan Salvatore they found out they were both being cheated on and they took a spontaneous trip to New Orleans."

"So they both were in New Orleans." Kol knew they were but this was the clarification that he had needed.

"Yes they were and when they came back Hayley and Elena both thought Elena was pregnant Hayley took the tests with her just so she didn't have to do it alone all four came back positive. Hayley obviously had a name and Elena did not. 3 years later 3 jobs later here we are."

"Anything else."

"She has a bad immune system not a fun sick person. Her parents died when she was 16 she thought she found her soulmate in Damon Salvatore turns out she is crazy she keyed his car sliced 3 tired not four and put marbles in his gas tank." She had seen crazy but she had never seen crazy like this.  "She always thought he loved his car more than her and she had her brother do some damage to his engine to untighten some things. She of course has her twin as a lawyer and didn't get one charge."

"What the fuck?"

Lexi knew this girl was the literal person holding her family together and that they had teamed up to help her when she had needed it,. "She has been the support system for her siblings when she got pregnant her friends did everything they could to help her but besides letting them babysit she doesn't really accept it she wants to do everything by herself and I'm guessing that she doesn't want your help either."


Elena was sitting on her bed trying to look for a new job when there was a knock at her door. "Come in."

Katherine opened the door standing against the frame. She had known that it was time to talk since she got an alert about someone going through her background. "We need to talk?"

Elena looked back at her cousin confused about what was so urgent she had to make a housecall. "About." 

"The fact that we look like twins." Katherine knew for years she played it off as they were cousins and shit. But now that people were digging her sister needed to be in on it. 

Elena knew why they looked like they were twins because of how there parents had looked. "But we're not our dad's were brothers and-"

Katherine cut her off knowing that it was time for her to just tell her what was going on. "Elena we are twins."

"Excuse me." Elena was going to need her to clarify what she had just said. 

"We are twins they gave you to your parents." Katherine knew it was time for her to know the truth she couldn't be kept in the dark anymore.

"What?" Elena was going to need her to say that again.

"My mom and dad are your mom and dad." That was as simple as Kat could say it she knew that Elena was going to have questions and she had the answers. 

"And you are just now telling me now." Elena couldn't believe that Katherine had kept this from her all this time and was just now

"I was in private school I'm a 23 old lawyer i blasted my way through college and then law school." She had been able to hide it because no one really knew her age or anything to put the pieces together. "No one knows my age i made a name for myself young they all assume that I am 28."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Elena didn't get why this was just now being a conversation. 

"I wasn't sure how." She had known that her sister had already been through a lot and hadn't wanted to make it worse for her.

"How about just telling me hey I'm your sister." Elena was sure it could have been just as simple as that but she hadn't even considered it. 

"I'm sorry?" Katherine really was sorry she knew that she should have gone in a different direction.

"Why are you telling me now?" Elena asked she could see Kat didn't have any intentions of sharing this with her so she wanted to know why was it coming up now.

Katherine sighed she didn't want her sister to know she was only learning this information because she knew they had been digging into her past. "The Mikaelson's hired a PI to look into your life. And i knew that this was going to come up. "

"Seriously this is why."

"I'm so sorry."

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