Chapter 10: The Heat

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Adel stared at the unconscious strawberry scented beauty that intrigued him, Esmeralda... His chest squeezed as he felt her pain. He picked her up and carried her out of the building to the car parked outside the back of the school. He gently laid her down in the back seat. His eyes noticed her forehead sweating and small moans of pain escaping her lips. I have to get her to Fern soon. He quickly closed the door and heads to the driver seat. He took one more glance at the unconscious girl from the rear-view mirror before driving off.

Around 20 minutes later, Adel arrived at the villa. He carefully carried the girl inside and greeted by the pack doctor waiting for him.

"Master Adel. Welcome back. Is she the Luna?"

"Fern. Come with me to check her."

Fern bowed and followed Adel.

While walking upstairs, Adel's ears caught the ruckus in the other rooms. Those humans she was with. Right, I sent Loz to retrieve them this morning. He heard their shouting of the two female voices and the male.

"Where the hell are we?"

Adel assumed it was blonde one shouting. She was the first one Loz reported that they took. That one punched Loz in the nose.

"Yeah, your looks may be amazing, but this is sick!"

Adel noted that it was the red head shouting now. Loz informed me that she smacked Rollo with an egg baguette sandwich.

"W-w-what's going to happen to us?"

The tall tan boy is now speaking, the only male of the trio that didn't shout. Ah, yes. He fainted the moment he when surrounded by Jax and Fern. The easiest one to retrieve.

He looked down at the girl in his arms. It was a surprise that my mate eluded us for so long, but given that those damn humans swarm the high school in broad daylight. Waiting for "the bell to ring" was a trivial. Finally, Adel arrived to his room to lay his unconscious mate on the king-sized bed. She groaned and her body sweating. Adel signaled the patiently waiting Fern with his hand.

Fern nodded and went to the girl's side. He meticulously checked on her like a fragile doll. Her pulse, her temperature, her eyes. He noticed the jacket on the girl.

I don't want to disgrace our Luna but... Fern lightly coughed, "Would you like me to take it off? Unless you don't want her to have a full check, then-"

"Do it."

Fern curtly nod, "Right."

Fern took off the girl's jacket to reveal the exposing shirt she had underneath. Adel growled at the sight of the girl. The revealing shirt accentuated all the right features, tempting him, just when I had my urges under control, damn female...

After a few minutes, Fern finished his examination, "Master. She went into an intense heat."

Adel clicked his tongue, "I figured."

Fern adjusted his glasses, "Then, may I ask why you wanted to me to examine the Luna?"

"She didn't faint when I marked her."

Fern mouth agape slightly and taken aback, "What? How can that be? Usually, the female faints once their mates marked them."

Adel shrugged, "Those monsters must have made her hyperaware causing her to push through the pain." He saw a bit of gauze peeking out of her turtleneck. He tended to her side and gently pulled down the clothes wrapped around her neck, "Why would she hide her mark?"

Fern rubbed his chin, "If I may, maybe she doesn't know it was a marking. She might have thought it was a wound instead..."

"Could be."

Adel saw the girl curled herself on her side. She groaned again and began shaking.

"Master, I suggest physical contact. It will help decrease the Luna's pain of the heat."

Adel clicked his tongue, how daunting. He lightly glared at Fern, "Leave."

I guess the master can't be honest and say he agrees with me, Fern bows, "Also, would you like me to bring a change of clothes for the Luna? Assuming you don't want to be dirty yourself."

Adel lightly growled, "Do what you want. Leave now. Tell the others not to disturb and shut up those loud humans."


Adel kept watching the girl until the door clicked shut. He saw her wrestling around the sheets and trying to claw off her clothes. He paced over to her and laid next to her, she's in so much pain. He gently brushed her drenched hair out of her face. He placed his hand on her cheek, she doesn't look bad. Skin glows in the sun like honey . I wonder if I will see the gold in her eyes more when she wakes. His eyes widened when felt her lean into his hand more. Her body started to cuddled into him. Adel stiffed and unknowingly his heart skipped a beat. This woman had been plaguing my dreams for days... she was just a dream.. Now, this content to have her here now... Adel pulled her closer, "This is a one-time thing." He muttered to himself. He found himself relaxing as he inhaled her scent while he rubbed circles around her back. He heard her sigh in relief, she's different. He nuzzled into her hair, I guess I can indulge a little bit. This is real. She is real.


Esme felt warmth around her. The pain and burning sensation calmed away. She nuzzled into her pillow more while contently inhaling the refreshing citrus scent, "5 more minutes "

She heard a male voice, "If you did that then you would be sleeping till tomorrow."

What the- Pillows don't talk! Her eyes shot opened and greeted with the view of a chest of a well dress man. Her eyes trailed up to the owner. Her emerald eyes greeted the owner's piercing blue eyes having a stoic expression. She paled, pushed herself away from him, resulting in her falling off the bed.

Esme rubbed her head, "Ow..." She looked up to see the stoic young man observing her every move. She gulped, "Where am I and who are you?"

Her voice is really soothing... I wonder how my name would sound rolling of her tongue... He got off the bed and walked up to her. She looked up to his eyes. She's trying to be brave, his eyes flickered with amusement, but he kept a lax face He bends down to her level, "You went into heat earlier and I brought you here to my villa."

He's too close! Esme raised an eyebrow at him, "What? Heat? Your villa, but why?"

"Because you went into heat and you needed help."

Esme looked away from him as she chewed her lip. She felt the warmth in her chest exploding, what is this feeling? I shouldn't feel this way. She felt her hands become clammy, "Who are you?"

He used his hand to turn her face back to him, her eyes do have a gold to those emerald eyes... it suits her well. Their like jewel shining in the sun, "It's Adel."

Her body shivered slightly from his voice saying his name. She blankly stared at him, that's a nice name... Then it dawned on her, "You're the one from yesterday..."

She didn't say back my name, Adel nodded. His eyes trailed from her eyes to the place on her neck. He felt her went stiff under his touch. He gently brushed some hair away from her mark. Is she ashamed of who she is? He leaned into her ear, "Why do you hide it?"

That wolf! Her swiftly covered her neck as she back crawled away from him, "It was you. Why would you-"

So, I'm the problem? Adel's eyes narrowed, "Why wouldn't I?"

"You..." She felt her eyes sting, she shook her head quickly. No, I'm not going to cry, she looked at him in the eye, "Look I don't understand what's going on, but I want to leave."

He growled, "No."

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