Chapter 16: The Complex Equation of Attraction

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I can't believe we fought. Esme sat at the edge of the Adel's bed. She hadn't seen Adel since dinner. He practically ignored her after coming from the garden. She had told Emma the events that transpired but her friend calmly told her 'just kiss and makeup'. His werewolves' companions were also eerily quiet but gave her sympathetic glances when they passed by her. They knew we fought too, how embarrassing... She put her face in her hands as the memories from earlier in the evening played. Adel's hazy red eyes haunted her, was he going to hurt me? I don't get him... He was gentle and then Theo texted... Esme thought about Adel's manner when she begged him to spare Theo. But... he seems more concern for me when he's angry.

"Was he jealous?" Esme looked at the door expecting her 'mate'.


He intensely glared at her, "Do you fancy him?"


He raised his voice at her when she blocked him from the door, "Your naivety blinds you from the crime he committed against us."


"Saving your friends, a dignified cause. However, vowing to stay all summer with me for that pathetic male's life is not worth your dignity." He said without looking at her.


Did I hurt him by accident? Wait, why should I care? I didn't know him till 24 hours ago! If he didn't want, fine. I want to go back home. Everything will go back to normal... Esme chewed her lip. No, who am I kidding, I did hurt him... He is here because his people were killed... She shook her head; I'm acting like those kids from Bridgeworth... I'm the worst... I should apologize. I was being selfish. She checked her phone, 10 p.m. "I guess should get ready for bed." She went to the bathroom to change and her night routine. When she got out, she saw Adel unbutton his shirt slightly.

He noticed her and scanned her appearance. She tried to say something, but he wordlessly walked into the bathroom shutting the door.

She heard the water run, I guess he's still angry with me. She frowned. I wished I had my guitar to play off my stress... Esme looked around the room; Huh, I never notice but his room is pretty big, but also plain... She noticed her backpack next to the bed, I guess Loz brought it here... Well, might as well do homework.

Esme mindlessly did her homework sprawled on the bed for the next few minutes; Trigonometry final is going to suck... I can't figure this out. She huffed as she erased her answered roughly.

"You're doing it wrong. You have to divide the variable then add."

Esme flung herself to the other side of the bed.

She saw Adel standing next to the bed at the place where she once was. He nonchalantly grabbed the paper, "Pencil."

She handed him the pencil. She intently watched him solved the problem with ease. When he finished, he handed her back the paper. She looked over her homework and noticed he fixed the other problems she struggled with. "How did you do it? It usually takes me hours to solve."

"Problem had a specific equation to use but mostly missed if you skip a step. You tend to skip a step, which is why you get a decimal than a whole number."

She nodded her head, "I never noticed..."

Adel checked his watch, "It's getting late. We should head to bed."

Esme tensed. Her finally nerves hit. My first night with a guy... maybe the second... but the first I agreed to... Kinda...

Adel watched his mate fight with herself, "I have no interest in taking you here and now."

Secret of the Wolf Pack: Book 1-Ballad of the LunaWhere stories live. Discover now