
82 22 17

prompts: "burning sapphires" "harvest moonlight"

AHHH i'm obsessed with night imagery


when your

summer-warm breath

eases open my windows

of prismatic crystal,

the billowing silk curtains

of pale rose

gently part,

the night rushing in


i wade through

the bleached light

rippling on

the bare floorboards,

cool against my soles.

soon, i will harvest

this moonlight

from the shallow dishes

of my cocoa eyes

when the night

drips away

like melted charcoal.

for now, i lean into

the comforting palm

of darkness,

the heavy velvet

studded with burning sapphires

that wear death's perfume

(the thick scent of grief

and roses rotten),

remaining wildly beautiful

even when their cut edges

leave raised, rosy scars.

jagged constellations

that hold echoes

of cries

the dark tries to




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