
85 23 26

prompts: "vinyl and wine" "we watched the moon melt"

okay i really feel like i've read the first three lines of this somewhere... can't remember though. google's no help lmao


you tied silver tinsel

around the full waist

of the moon,

hauling it closer

just so we can watch it melt 

into the music 

that burns, sets alight

the ancient bones 

that have sunk

deep into the earth.

they remember

this, and only this—

the ivory cadenzas

that the glowing queen

has thrown

like silver coins

into the tin cup

of the night.

the world

splits and fractures

beneath her

immortal gaze

that remains

watchful, unrelenting.

you grip my still hand

as the past


swept up by the rising tide

she has summoned,

bringing sins under spotlight.

i regret nothing.

vinyl and wine

and dances, darling.

let us dance,

our feet not as light

as they once were.

the sandpaper words

you keep beneath your tongue

are what my ears

strain to hear

as we step on each other's toes,

your french lavender perfume

clouding reason.

i want something of you

that isn't manufactured

for my mind,

isn't made to settle

amongst the gears and cogs,

metal and madness.

you handle me carefully,

lest you break what you think

is glass and shallows

and naïve sweetness.

but who knew sandpaper words

once stolen

would be shoved down 

my own throat,

forced to swallow

before i understand.

from your loosened tongue

drips words

of arsenic.

(i wish i sipped this poison

from burning tea

and not your lips, perfectly glossed.)

you say i lack in depth,

that my stone well

runs dry

when yours brims

with what you call magic

and cerulean roses

that bring out your eyes

faded with time

(into this picnic-blanket blue,

spring skies at dawn,

when you want

deep, blinding oceans,

mid-afternoon desert heat

and a boiled sky

only you can cool),

heavy thorns that replicate

the refined sharpness

of your nails

that won't recede

like a cat's would.

i have no vision, either,

but here i watch

as the moon

collides with your heart

after you've drawn it

too close,

dazzled by what you thought

you deserved.



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