2. Shopping

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Val pushes the cart. Filling a lot of tools into it. From gardening tools like shovels to tools like pickaxe, machete and etc.

Ross shakes his head. They couldn't carry all of these items. Too much supplies.

He asks, "Are you sure we could take so much?"

"Hmm... You're right..."

Ross is resting on a table set on store display.

Val tilts his head.

No wonder he is the ML. Just look at him. The world is in total chaos. He looks like a model walking out of a magazine.

(Ross Bennet)

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(Ross Bennet)

Val asks, "Where did you get those foods?"

"Fake ones. Only decorations for this dining table."

Val's stomach makes a grumbling noise.

Ross chuckles. He stands up from the dining chair.

He says, "I know there is a convenience shop nearby. Why don't we check it out?"

Val asks, "If you have super power ability, what would you like?"

"Fire would be nice."

"Guess mine would be storage system. Someone needs to hoarde all the supplies."

Ross laughs weakly. This guy is funny. Suddenly his body felt burned. He coughs and fire breaths out from his mouth.

Val jumps back.

He curses, "Hey, watch out! Don't roast me!"

Ross hiccups for a while before the fire breath stops. The dining table set have been burned into black charcoals.

Water sprinkles from above, vanquishing the fire.

"Shit! What am I? Fire breathing dragon?"

Val teases, "You wanna be a dragon too? That's super cool!"

He smirks. He is the co author of this novel. Anything could happen under his pen.

Ross stares at him with unblinking eyes.

Val has just swiped everything in the cart away. Vanished into thin air. He takes everything around them even umbrellas.

Val curses, "Too tiny space."

This Ghost writer Is Too Attractive (End) Where stories live. Discover now