Chapter 1

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It was odd travelling down the street of New York and seeing a coffee shop in the place of what I had been trapped in like a cat, the pet shop had not existed at all in New York no matter how much I searched the web. For the first week after being transported back into my apartment from being in the MCU, I lived my days with intense headaches and fevers which I genuinely thought I was dying. As you can probably tell... I am alive. Yay, hurray for living.

It remained the weirdest experience I had ever been part of, to this day I remained adamant that either we live in a much larger universe than we think, or I just had way too much to smoke. Either way, 6 months ago I somehow fell asleep as a human being but woke up in the body of a cat, then I got adopted by Bucky Barnes who took me to Avengers tower as their personal pet.

 Once they realised I was definitely not a Kitty, they brought me back to my human form and managed to send me back to my normal universe without any other serious consequences (other than Tony Stark turning his poor worker into a stapler. Seriously, what the fuck dude). I think that pretty much summarises my entire trip.

Oh, I also got to kiss Bucky.



Anyways, living my life 6 months later I guess I've finally gotten over the excitement as I continue to go about my usual adulting life days. Wake up, check I'm still human, go to work at the office, go home, go to bed, repeat. How exciting.

This particular day was pretty normal, it was cloudy but still, quite warm out as I journeyed down to my office building so I could start my day. I still did my boring paperwork job as a program coordinator for the same company I've been working for since I was freshly an adult. It was a smaller company compared to something like Amazon, mainly selling electronics and such. I got the boring paperwork side of everything, organising statistics and trying to manage everyone else on the floor to help out my boss. I guess having my own office is a pro, no one to annoy me and I get to live my life in isolation which is perfect for my little introverted heart.

Walking down 23rd, I debated whether or not I wanted to grab a coffee before heading up to start my day since I had tea right after I woke up. Coffee is necessary for a productive day BUT I could always go and grab one when I had my morning tea. Decisions, decisions.... I reached the entrance of my building and looked up, hoping that some god would send me a sign on whether or not I wanted caffeine.

Oddly enough, the hairs on my neck began to stick up as if my body was reacting to someone staring. Looking around, I made eye contact with a blonde man across the street sitting down at a café alone. I felt my gut flip as I almost found the person... familiar? He kind of looked like Chris Hemsworth? Suddenly, I hear someone yell at me to get out of the way and I look over just in time to jump out of the way of a dumb teen riding his skateboard past me.

"GET OFF YOUR SKATEBOARD YOU ASSHOLE!" I yell out after him, pissed off. When I look back at the café to try and work out whether or not Chris was across the street, the man was gone. Like, not walking away, not standing nearby, like literally the table and everything was gone. An empty space remained in its place as I search the other faces at the café.

"Oh boy," I whisper to myself. "I really am going crazy, aren't I?" I blink away the incoming headache before entering my building, heading over to the machine to clock in before taking the elevator up to my office's floor. Once the elevator opens, I step out and head straight to my office, closing the door behind me.

Chris Hemsworth? In New York? AND HE DISAPPEARS OUT OF THIN FUCKING AIR? God, I want to go back to my life where being hated for eating pineapple on pizza was the weirdest thing I've experienced. (IT GOES TOGETHER AND NONE OF YOU CAN CHANGE MY MIND – SCREW THE 4TH WALL).


As I was saying, I swear on my life that dude looked identical to the Aussie actor so as I sat down at my chair and booted up my laptop, I quickly went onto my phone searched for his name on google.

Ah yes, Chris is currently living back at home in Byron Bay with his wife Elsa and enjoying his time off before going to film again. This means that obvious I am going psycho, and now the MCU is LITERALLY following me.

I spun around in my chair, looking back down at the café and incredibly, there was a table once again placed in the spot that had JUST been empty.




Looking around, I saw no blonde-haired man with muscles so it's still questionable whether or not I saw things correctly.

"Morning Rachel!" My boss peeks in and greets me with a smile, their business attire looked much fresher than my pair of old black suit pants and a white button-up. "You look tired! Want me to grab you a cup of coffee?" They question nicely, and I smiled back at them.

"You know I love you, Alex. Thank you!" Alex gives me a small thumbs up and tells me they'll get the usual before stepping out and closing my door behind me.

Maybe coffee will stop the nerves that seem to be pooling in my stomach. Something was wrong.

Love, Kitty. [Avengers]Where stories live. Discover now