Chapter 11

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"So what's the game plan? We hunt down where Rachel is and then storm the place? Do you have powers?" Tony questioned and the Rachel in the room only laughed before standing up.

"Well actually, my plan involved me finding myself whilst you guys staying here and keeping the TVA off my back. I need you guys to make a distraction – not too big don't want any of ya'll to get arrested forever"

"Forever?" Steve questioned hesitantly to which Rachel only giggled.

"Of course, once you see the insides of the TVA you're never coming back out." The room was silent before she sighs.

"Look we don't have long. I really appreciate the offers for your help and I do need it, but I need ya'll to stay here in case any agents turn up. Ya'll can tell them where I am and they'll know where to come. Sylvie is dangerous, none of ya know her."

"What kind of help would we be here, I thought you said you needed us." Natasha asked firmly, looking over the woman suspiciously.

"Look, I won't be long, I'm going to scout a few areas out that I know Sylvie woulda loved and I'll be back." Rachel cornered herself before suddenly she disappeared and there was no more sign of her.

"Wha-what?" Tony exclaimed.

"How are we supposed to find her now that she's just upped and disappeared?" Clint demanded. "I knew there was something off about her."

"This TVA surely must know something, all we have to do is try and call them here. How do we do that?" Natasha asked, pacing.

"I mean we could go out into public. That'll definitely call them here." Bruce suggested but everyone immediately denied it.

"Not only would they come here, but they would arrest us and we'd never be seen again. We need to do something that'll disrupt the timeline but not endanger our lives." Natasha responded.

"Yes, but what are we supposed to do? I mean a butterfly is supposed to ruin timelines so what are we supposed to do? Fart?" Clint asked bewildered.

"I don't know, maybe post something online discretely about the multiverse?" Bruce suggested.

"Do we really want to push it?" Tony questioned, moving away from the computer and towards where most of the others were sitting

Eventually, Bucky noticed the computer screen dimming and then brightening again, flashing almost. He walked up to it, seeing that on the screen there were random lines of code and numbers but what he could make out were some coordinates and messages talking about "location found". Did Tony actually manage to find Rachel?

Well, they needed the TVA's attention. What better way to get it than making his way into this universe by himself – discreetly of course, but it may just work. Bucky minimised the browser, heading back to the group who were all throwing around random situations that may evoke some visits from this authority group.

"Maybe we should just keep looking; just talking about it would have brought them down as it is if this TVA is legitimate." Steve threw his hands up, bewildered. "Surely they would have known this was going to happen, why aren't they here?"

"I mean, you have a point." Tony looks ill as he admits Steve being right. Baby.

"I'm just heading to the bathroom," Bucky whispers to Steve as the group starts to discuss again, and Bucky walks off towards the bathroom.

He heads in closing the door behind him and immediately turns to open the small window that existed in the room. It was almost too small to fit through, but it was good enough., Bucky pulled himself out the window legs first, holding onto the window sill so he could swing himself to catch the fire escape stairs. He tried to be as silent as he could, knowing there was a room of avengers literally next door. As he made it onto a landing, he began to walk down, pulling the hood of his hoodie up so it covered his face and made sure his hand was tucked into his pocket. It was nighttime, and there weren't too many people out but still, he was worried he would get caught. He memorised the coordinates, he just needed to pull out his phone and hoped that it would actually work in this universe so he could type it into the maps app and show him where to go.

At the bottom, Bucky immediately began to walk down the road not wanting to be near the building before he pulled out his phone and prayed to whatever gods were left in the sky that he had service.

Lo and behold, he did not.

Ha, no luckiness is in this book!!! Bro is in another universe and you all expected him to have SERVICE?! Nope.

Unfortunately for others, they existed which meant they were now immediately a target for Bucky to pickpocket. He needed a phone, so the Winter Soldier casually walked past an older man who was angrily yelling at what seemed to be his daughter, slipping his phone out of his pocket and into Bucky's hand. He kept walking, looking down and finding no passcode on the phone (I'll let you guys have that one), and then going to the maps app so he could type in coordinates.

Rachel was apparently being held in what seemed to be an industrial warehouse about half an hour from here, in a more discrete area with less housing. Maybe it was all working factories (or abandoned ones because why would Loki take here to one full of people)?

Bucky immediately began walking in that direction with only one thing on his mind; he would save Rachel. 

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