Chapter 13

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"So do you know why you were even taken?" Bucky questioned. "We had another one of you turn up; she said something about giving Loki and Sylvie to the TVA." I glared bitterly at the floor.

"Yeah, and she rocked up here, found out my parents were dead and said see ya before running off and leaving me alone. Absolute bitch she was." I complained.

"We thought she was suspicious, but she said she could find you."

"And found she did, didn't do shit about it though." I reiterated.

"Are you actually okay? I've heard about Loki, he's not a great guy." Bucky says once again, looking me up and down which left me feeling fuzzy. *sigh* I love his eyes, I seriously could stare at them all day. Would that be creepy? I do it with posters, but I guess real life is different.

Oh my god.


Tell me they didn't find my posters. TELL ME THEY DIDN'T FIND MY LAPTOP. WITH WATTPAD OPEN. THE SMUT???

Immediately I felt myself grow hot and I avoided looking at him.

"So what were all of you doing to pass time in my apartment? Hopefully no parties." Bucky stayed silent, looking confused but then smiling.

"Yeah, we invited everyone. Decided to have a Marvel get-together with our clones."

"Nice," I said gleefully. "Nice memory to take back to your universe." It got silent once again between us and I pursed my lips at the almost awkward silence.

"So, am I really like the Bucky Barnes all those comics talk about." He questioned almost softly. "We did a little snooping, we saw how popular we were. How popular I am. Even with everything that I've done." He explained.

"Bucky, no offense but 90% of the fandom has a huge crush on you. Everyone knows very well that Bucky Barnes is not the Winter Soldier, just like the Winter Soldier is not Bucky Barnes. Hydra is at fault, everyone knows that." He nods, looking as if he was going to cry (I AM SOFT).

"I guess I haven't really gotten over the fight a few years ago, with Tony about his parents. I fought tooth and nail to convince him that it wasn't me but deep down I always thought the opposite. That it was me." I bit my lip, now feeling the sudden onset of the darkness of his words that filled the room. Bucky was so... sad. I saw it last year during my cat phase, he was so broken, so distraught when he was by himself. I guess no one really took notice of the fake smiling when he was with others.

"I hope you can go back knowing how much people love you," I assured him. "And see a therapist." He laughed a little.

"Already doing that." He assured. "And you mean it? Even you?"

"Of course I do, Buck." Remember, you were my favourite human." I blurted out. Did that sound weird? I mean, I was sleeping with him for a while (AS I WAS A CAT) but I guess it's still kinda creepy.

Both of us quieten down as we hear distant footsteps get louder and louder. At least he wasn't doing his stupid teleporting thing again. The door opens once again and Loki comes in holding a familiar red book.

"Speak of the devil," Bucky gritted his teeth. "Let us go Loki, you aren't going to win this."

"I can easily turn you into a weapon once more, Soldier." Loki warned Bucky.

"Shuri took the trigger words away; you can't hurt me." Bucky spat angrily at the Norse god who only snorted in response.

" soldier I don't need pitiful little words to trigger your dark side." Loki grinned, suddenly Bucky was struggling in his seat as his eyes began to glow a bright green.

"Bucky?" I questioned, not knowing if Loki was just hurting him or if I really was about to meet the Winter Soldier. "Bucky, please. Fight this, I know you can. You've done it before." I tried to assure him, but my meek voice was barely echoing to his side of the room.

Bucky was thrashing in his seat, the metal clamp around his metal wrist looked as if it was lifting which made me nervous. I knew the Winter Soldier wasn't friendly, and if Loki really had a grudge against me, I knew why he was trying to toy with me through Bucky.

"Stop. It." I heard Bucky grunt through clenched teeth, aimed at Loki.

"Why is that? Scared your little human will be killed? Well, maybe that's what I'm hoping for." Loki spat out angrily.

"I didn't do anything to you!" I shouted at him, now struggling in my seat too, not liking the scene in front of me and my fight or flight was beginning to act. "Please, Loki! It wasn't me; I am not the same person who put you away. I am an office worker, not a secret agent!"

All of a sudden, just like in every superhero film and book, the door is slammed open and windows shattered as the room is immediately filled with people.

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