Chapter 14

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"Oh thank god." I sighed in relief as I saw the familiar yet not-familiar uniforms of the TVA being worn by the people invading the place. Instantly, Loki was shot down with a strange weapon and I felt myself being untied by a nice lady on my right.

"Are you okay?" She questioned, freeing me and watching me twist around to see if Bucky was okay.

"I'm fine, how's Bucky? Loki had tried to bring out-"

"He's fine. Back to normal in just a bit." A man on my other side suddenly spoke up. "Now, Miss I need to just ask you a few questions if you wouldn't mind. Do you know who we are?" The man pulled out a notebook and I blinked not once, not twice but three times before I blurted out 'Are you fucking serious?'. The man looked slightly confused and the woman chuckled.

"Sorry?" He questioned.

"I'm sorry, but you guys are the TVA. What can you ask me that you guys don't already know." I asked honestly.

"Just need to make sure." He said defensively. "Look, this is an odd situation. Time laws were broken here, mainly by Loki but also by the Avengers and even you. Bad things can happen to multiverses when they mingle which is exactly what's happened between all of you."

"Ok, but can we be real with each other?" I questioned him, forgetting about how worried I was for Bucky but now annoyed. "I know it's dangerous, but first me turning into a Cat was not on purpose nor was it my fault. And then the Avengers saving my life, I would have preferred that over dying, and they avoided being seen by other members of this Earth, I'm sure we can be let off this time." I deadpanned, staring into his eyes. I scratched his head before sighing and standing up. "Especially when you guys have a variant of myself running amuck just because she has mummy and daddy issues."

"Sure, sure, this time." He muttered. I stand up, making my way immediately over to the next room where I saw Bucky leaning on a wall looking sweaty and slightly out of it.

"Bucky?" I questioned, he stared back at me, and I nervously gulp as he pushed himself off the wall and began heading straight for me. I took a step back but noticed that he was fine, he reached me and pulled me into a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry for scaring you," He told me quietly. "I swear I was always there; I would have never hurt you. I can't."

"I know." I told him back. "I could see it in your eyes." A commotion began to appear from outside so Bucky and I began to head out, seeing many people rushing around and hearing some yelling coming from familiar voices.







"Hey!" Bucky yelled over them, they all spun around and I heard Steve let out a "Thank God!" before we were surrounded.

"Man they came out of NO WHERE!" Tony explained.

"Bucky, why the fuck would you do that? Do you understand how much trouble you could have been in?" Nat reprimanded him, slapping him over the head which made me snort.

"Yeah, I agree, that was a really dumb thing to do." Steve spoke up but immediately backed down when Bucky gave him a 'really bitch?' look.

"I'm fine, we're fine." Bucky assured.

"Oh, hi Rachel." Tony greeted./ "Remote came in handy I see?"

"I guess it did until you let Bucky walk into the streets alone and then get kidnapped." I snorted.

"So what's happening to Loki?" Clint glared over at the tall god who looked dazed from whatever they shot at him. Sylvie was still nowhere to be seen.

"Apparently," Wanda came wondering over from that direction. "Taking him back to the TVA and maybe sending him back to the right timeline with his memories wiped."

"Ooft, harsh." I retorted.

"I think that would be best," Thor sighed. "My brother does nothing but harm to those around him. At least I can live knowing that he is alive and not dead."

"Is this even your timeline Loki, Thor?" I questioned. "Because I know in many of the comics Loki is never dead, just pretending." Thor sighs, nodding.

"Yes, I never really know."

Man, that's kinda sad.

"Now where is that other Rachel clone, I have a bone to pick with her." Tony crossed his arms and I once again began glaring at everyone around me.

"Dumb bitch ran off when she found out my parents were dead. I think she wants to search for my parents that are alive and I guess every timeline they've been dead." An odd feeling settled in my stomach as I spoke those words. Every timeline, my parents were dead. "Left me alone to deal with it. If I ever see her again I'm murdering her."

"Would that be considered – you know what, I'm not going there." Clint backed up, zipping his mouth up.

"I think that would be best." I agreed. I'm not getting cancelled today.

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