Chapter 7

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"I think you're pretty dumb to ask that," I admit to the god as he gives a sound of disapproval "Are you honestly expecting me to give an answer to that?"

"I think you're forgetting who you're speaking to." Loki suddenly places the photo onto the table and suddenly a knife appears in his hand, glowing ominously. "Watch yourself, you mouthy woman." I cringe as Loki steps forward still gripping onto the knife and immediately change my tune.

"Ok why are you asking? It's obviously me in the photo." I answer him honestly. "I don't recognise it though; it must be an older photo."

"I need an age." He warns. "It most definitely is not you, a version of you maybe but this is not you." I gulp at what he explains, wondering what on earth is happening.

"What the fuck are you talking about? Am I high? Did someone give we literal weed because none of this is making sense and quite frankly my brain is beginning to hurt." I rambled to Loki, looking around the room to try and figure out where I was. "Is this some reality TV show? Are there cameras filming me? IS THIS A TIKTOK TREND I DON'T KNOW ABOUT??"

"SHUT UP YOU FOOLISH WOMAN, BEFORE I TAKE YOUR MOUTH AND SEW IT SHUT!" Loki suddenly yells at me, aggressively stepping forward and grabbing hold of some of my hair, pulling on it so my head was now tilted backwards.

"Wow okay; aggressive and kind of kinky." I continue to ramble, my voice turning into a very high-pitched squeak as I was now quite terrified of the blazing green eyes that looked absolutely murderous.

"I need you to keep your meaningless thoughts to yourself and only open your mouth to give me the information I need. Now tell me, how old would you have been in this photo?" He demands angrily, still holding onto my head. I gulp nervously, exploring the photo and trying to work out which age I had that specific haircut and colour. I may have been 23? 24?

"I'm not too sure, I don't recognise it?" I admit nervously. "Maybe 23?" Loki took another look into my eyes before letting my hair go and stepping backwards a few steps, looking inquisitive.

"Thank you for your cooperation," He smiled ominously. "I'll be back later." He spins on the spot and suddenly Loki was gone, as if he just turned completely invisible. Did he just fucking teleport???? Dude that's fucking cool.

The door on my left finally opened again the the same guards from before steppe in once more, returning to their positions on either side of the doorway. They continued to be silent and stood still making me even more anxious than I already was.


I'm sure at least some of the people in my life were worried about me, God only knows how long I've been here for before I was conscious again. Annie was probably triple texting me, my boss probably worried because of me not turning up to work and leaving sick the previous day, did the remote even work? I went ice cold at that thought; if Loki was able to be here then surely Tony's invention would work. But how would the Avengers be able to walk through New York undetected; they're fucking identical to the actors.

*Currently, on the other side of the City*

In a quiet apartment that held no traces of life, a bright light suddenly emerged from no where and time itself broke as a large circle opened up revealing an entirely other universe. Suddenly, figures had began to jump through, although the portal was aggressively pushing them out the other side, leaving many of the adults running into each other and falling on one another.

"Fucking move your ass, Stark!" The bulky man with the metal arm growled angrily as Tony Stark was pushed into him. Behind him, another bulky man was also pushed through, falling on top of both Tony Stark and Bucky Barnes with a grunt.

"ROGERS, THAT'S MY BACK!" Tony Stark yelped, trying to push the super-soldier off his now painful back.

"Sorry, Tony!" Steve apologised, immediately jumping up and looking at his surroundings. Eventually, the apartment was full of superheros who only looked around in confusion.

"I thought you said she was in danger?" Natasha Romanoff questioned, looking at the simple yet undisturbed apartment.

"She was!" Tony defended himself. "I showed you the recording. Why isn't she here?"

"My brother has done is again," Thor solemnly looks around. "I can feel the traces of his magic; he was here. I can only assume that he has taken Rachel as his hostage."

"Aw man, what the fuck does he want now? To bring aliens to this New York? Superheroes don't exist here, that'll be so much clean up for us." Sam Wilson complains, looking around.

"Agree, surely, he isn't planning on doing something that stupid?" Natasha agrees. "Should we look around to try and figure out what's happening?" Everyone in agreeance began to look around the apartment, studying every nook and cranny with both interest and worry.

Bucky Barnes especially began to worriedly look over the living room feeling as if something was wrong. He knew that a relationship between universes was impossible and had tried to forget about Rachel, but it was hard. He had felt so supported and wanted when she was around, both as a weird animal and when she was human even if it was for such a short time. His therapist tried to explain that it was just because he had so much trauma that he latched onto Rachel as a need for love and attention, but he hated thinking of it that way. So, when Tony burst in claiming that the remote was used and Rachel was in trouble, he immediately became worried.

The apartment was something that felt almost familiar to him as if he had been there before but something was still wrong. Whether it was something in the air or if it was just déjà vu, Bucky couldn't put his finger on it.

"HEY LOOK WHAT I FOUND!" Tony yells out excitedly, holding up something. "IT'S MY FACE! ON A MOVIE!" 

Love, Kitty. [Avengers]Where stories live. Discover now