Chapter 10

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The next time I saw anyone was at least a few hours later when Sylvie re-entered the room with a bag of McDonalds. She went behind me, untied one of my hands and sat in front of me, offering the bag.

"I'm not an idiot, I'll be watching your hand at all times." She warned as I hesitantly reached out and took the bag. I don't even know how long it's been since I was kidnapped but I was exhausted, and I was hungry. Surely them using me as leverage means I'm not going to get poisoned, right? I can eat this without worrying about that because surely Loki and Sylvie would just kill me if they wanted me dead.




"Is this safe to eat?" I muttered lowly, looking in and peeking at some fried and a cheeseburger. Man, they couldn't even splurge and get me a double bacon and cheese burger? Come on.

"No, we poisoned it." Sylvie stated, not missing a beat. For a moment I thought about it, but shrugged. Again, they wouldn't waste poison on a mortal like me.

"So, any sign of multiverse Rachel?" I questioned, pulling the cheeseburger out and opening the wrap so I could begin to eat it.

"It's none of your business," Sylvie responded.

"I mean, it kind of is..." I trailed off, deciding whether I'm pushing it too far.

"She's not shown up," Sylvie says plainly. "Now hurry up and eat. I have things to do." I remained silent as I ate, afterwards my hand it once again tied up and Sylvie leaves the room closing the door behind her. My body was exhausted, I hadn't slept since I got here, and even before then I hadn't been sleeping well because of the craziness. I felt as if I was running on adrenalin that was slowly beginning to wear out and my body just felt weak. I doubt I could have been here for longer than a day, but it felt like a year had passed.

I heard a slight click coming from behind me and I groaned internally. Fucking Laufeyson's and their stupid random teleportation.

"Now I'm really not supposed to do this, but here I am." I gaped at the sight in front of me, myself – ME!

IS THIS A DREAM?! Now it has to be a dream considering I AM SEEING MYSELF DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF ME. MOVING BY HERSELF – ITSELF – MYSELF?? WHAT the actual FUCK was in those fries?!

"What the fuck?" I was exasperated, gulping afterward.

"Yeah, that's a pretty accurate response." The thing in front of me nodded. "Now I know you know all about variants. I am you, you are me blagh blagh not to be focused on right now. What has Loki told you?"

"What are you doing here?" I asked, my voice incredibly high pitched.

"Are ya dumb? I said to stop worrying about that. What has Loki told you?" She demanded again, kneeling down and not even untying me. What a bitch.

"I – I – I don't know. You put him in jail or something and stole something from Sylvie?" I stuttered out.

"Is that all?" The Rachel in front of me looked at me seriously, a glint in her eyes making me feel very uncomfortable.

"Obviously, what's wrong with you? Can you untie me?" I questioned, wriggling in my chair whilst simultaneously trying to hear if someone was coming. "And can you keep your voice down, Loki and Sylvie are here."

"They won't hear a thing," Other Rachel assured, looking around. "What about your parents? Do they know you're missing?" She questioned, an odd question to ask. I guess Loki and Sylvie did say that she traveled to look for her Parents, so I don't know whether to tell the truth or not.

I remained silent, thinking about it until Rachel narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "And did they tell you why I travel around to my other variants?" She said darkly.

"You're looking for your family?" I stutter out, my gut dropping at the sudden iciness in her voice. What the actual fuck is happening, should we be friends since we are the SAME PERSON??? Like isn't that against some sort of girl code to bully yourself??

"Yes, because I killed my parents in a rage attack when I was 12 and I've regretted it every single day." Rachel explained to me making me wide-eyed, seeing her in a new light.

"Well," I gulped. "I'm sorry, But my parents are also dead." My voice broke, but I cleared it before I spoke. "They were in a boating accident when I was 12 too. They drowned." The Rachel in front of me stared me down before softening her glare and standing up.

"Loki and Sylvie just want to get back at me, but I was just doing my job. I can search for my parents, I can apologise to them and then I will return to my own home. The sacrifice is to do TVA dirty work. And from Sylvie? I stole nothing but something that originally had belonged to another of our variants. Sylvie said it was given to her, but I know better. I didn't steal it, I took it back." She told me firmly before backing up.

"Wait, can you please untie me? We need to get out of here." I pleaded with her, getting more desperate and wriggling in my seat.

"Well, enjoy the rest of your stay. I'm sure it'll all work out." Rachel told me before saluting. "I have to get back to my search." She states before she disappears.

"HEY!" I screamed. "DON'T LEAVE ME HERE YOU BITCH!" There was no response, the room was silent and all I heard was what seemed to be my heartbeat.

"Fucking traitor." I felt myself tear up, it was almost like freedom kissed me before it got dragged away once again. No wonder they want to kill that variant, she wouldn't even save herself. 

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