Chapter 15

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An hour or so later, I was now back at my apartment in some warmer clothes as TVA agents stepped around with files and instruments with the Avengers standing around watching interestedly.

"So the TVA guy said we can't do this again, so this is the last you'll hear from us all Kitty Cat." Tony Stark walked over taking his glasses from his pocket and placing them on. "Unfortunately, I would have loved to watch some of your DVDs, I want to see how I'm portrayed in those Marvel-"

"Honestly, Anthony." Steve reprimanded, looking over at some of the TVA agents watching us nearby.

"I know Capiscal, relax." Tony rolled his eyes and I smiled at the wink he secretly gave me when he held up a USB drive that I'm almost 99% sure had copies of the movies.

"Thank you again, Tony. I don't think I can ever let you guys know how grateful I am for what you all have done." I spoke to them all as a group, tired from the past few days and therefore beginning to feel the headache coming on.

"It was nothing, Kitty Cat." Tony fiddled with a device in his hands before a portal opened behind them all. "Look, this was fun, but I'm afraid that those agents are about to literally arrest us. So, I guess we'll be on our way. See you later, Kitty!" Tony saluted before disappearing into the portal. He was followed by Natasha who gave me a small wave and Clint who did the same. Thor came over, pulling me into a strong hug and now looked much happier than what he looked like a few hours ago.

"It was so good to see you, young Rachel. May the rest of your life be filled with glory and... less danger? I'm glad my brother did not kill you!" Thor put me down and I laughed, waving as he also stepped back into the portal. Bruce wished me well too, and Wanda gave me a tight hug and wished me luck, before leaving me with Bucky. It seemed that the rest of the people were already all gone, and the TVA agents seemed to be finished here and trusted Bucky to go back (as if they didn't already know what the fuck was happening – come on let's be real).

"Well, I guess it's that time again." I pursed my lips, looking around at the apartment that gave me the heebie-jeebies since I was kidnapped a few days ago.

"I guess it is." Bucky agreed, looking over at the open portal that looked quite ominous. It remained silent between the two of us as I guess we tried to make sense of what happened and what our futures would be like trying to forget about one another.

"You know, you were always my favourite superhero." I spoke up suddenly, smiling coyly at the words I spat out. Bucky gave me a small smirk, lifting his chin proudly.

"Well, I don't see the problem with that. I am the best Avenger." He replied. It went quiet again as we both just... stared.

"My therapist told me that I've been latching onto you as a reaction to my trauma." He broke the silence once more. I didn't exactly know how to respond to that so I remained quiet, but I knew I would have looked confused. "I guess I'm feeling kind of selfish right now because you made me feel happy and this is going to be the end of our friendship. I kind of want to stay, have a normal life" He told me quietly.

"I think we both know that can't happen, James." I told him gently, giving him a small smile as I teared up lightly. "Thank you for being everything I ever thought you would be. You made the little girl in me very happy."

"And you made me happy." Bucky leaned forward and instead of kissing me which Im sure would have just made both of us feel shittier, he pulled me into a tight, warm hug. It was like I was being enveloped in a feeling of warmth and kindness; I didn't even feel a difference between his arms as we both clinged onto each other.

"I guess this is our final goodbye, Kitty." He whispered into my ear. I nodded, releasing him from the hug and warning myself not to cry until he was gone.

"It is." I agreed. Bucky picked up the bag at his feet before moving backward and turned to face the portal that was waiting for him. "I'm never going to forget this." I told him.

"I won't either, see you around Rachel." Bucky gave me one more look over before he was gone, and the portal vanishes. I look down at the floor, knowing that I still got the final words in that I couldn't say in person. How silly for me to be fangirling over someone I would never be able to see again, I hardly knew him but that was the problem.

The Bucky Barnes I started to get to know was an empathetic, smart, handsome man who put everyone before himself. He was defensive due to trauma but despite him sometimes being a bitch to Sam or kind of an asshole to the public who bothered him, he was honestly the type of guy I always wanted to marry. I just knew that he was in his own universe now, ignoring the jeering from his friends and feeling the piece of paper that I had slid into his pocket. I knew that he would wait to open it, he'd take it back to his room to read it in peace so that he could keep it as his own little secret. I knew that he would read the paper with a sunken stomach as I revealed all of my silly little feelings for the man I had known (as a Human) for less than a week. But I knew he would smile as he read the end of the letter,

'I know you will become an icon for every little boy in your world, you will show them how to be brave and how to stand up for what you believe in. No one will see you as a soldier anymore; I promise you that. Until we meet again, in some other timeline.

Love, Kitty.'

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