Chapter 4

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After exiting the grocery store and heading home that morning I copped myself up in my bedroom for the next 2 days until I had to force myself to go to work. Mondays are always such a shit day, but being (un?)intentionally stalked by people made it even worse.

I can confirm that Sophia did not turn up randomly at my apartment with a promise to keep me safe or a reveal that she is actually Sylvie. In fact, I did not see her at all. Although it's actually incredibly unfortunate because lord do I SIMP over 90% of the Marvel men and women so if Sylvie does turn up, I have no self-restraint.

Walking into the office, still half asleep, I greet Alex with a smile and glare over at Anthony who gave me a sheepish look as I headed into my office. I sat down, placing all the things I needed for the day before turning on the computer and beginning my work. Overseeing documents, writing our reports and overviews of what the team was doing. Ending out emails, it's a whole lot of fun if you ask me. Can you hear the sarcasm? If you can't, then this is me telling you I am being sarcastic.

"Morning Rachel, coffee?" Alex peeked their head in, holding up a large cup that I assumed was mine considering they usually got me one every morning. Over the years it got to a point where they really didn't have to ask me anymore and could tell when I needed one.

"Oh yes, please. I barely slept at all last night." I groaned.

"Fun night?" They winked, making me cough a little and I felt my face grow bright red.

"No, nothing like that. Just stressed about some things." They nodded, before exiting my office once more. I wish I was having some fun nights, instead, I'm in bed by 8pm, watching Netflix and being all lonely.

Sometimes I dreamt about my time back in the MCU, sometimes it would be in the eyes of the cat I took shape of, and sometimes it was things that never happened while I'm in my human body. Sometimes I just wonder what it would've been like if Tony was unable to bring me back to this universe and instead, I stayed in theirs for the rest of my life. Bucky and I barely knew each other, there was definitely chemistry but who knows if it really would have gone anywhere. Plus, it was kind of weird. I sometimes feel as if he only took interest in me because I was acting as sort of an "emotional-support" animal and I just made him feel better.

So, on the nights when I dreamed of being with a fake man, I felt even more lonely as I knew it was impossible and would never happen.

Just passed lunch time I was texting my best friend, Annie, about a new guy she was seeing when I began hearing more and more voices that seemed to be coming from outside which was odd. It wasn't usually for the street to be that busy at 12 pm in the afternoon so I pushed my chair out from under the desk and rolled over to the window so I could look down.

I noticed that there seemed to be a commotion happening towards the bottom of my work building, the distant sounds of people yelling, and chanting became obvious as the silence continued to stretch through my office space. Instead of ignoring it, I decided that being nosy was my life's goal and therefore I dropped my pen and immediately went to my window so I could look down at the street.

When I saw what was happening, all I could think of was "What the Fuck?" as I took in the image of a man in a Comic-Con-looking costume leading a group of people who seemed to be in sync as they followed behind.

"Uhhhh, Rachel? Are you- oh you are." I heard from behind me as my office door opened and my boss peeked in. "I have no idea what's happening down there - what kind of Comic-Con is happening this time of the year?" They question as they join me at my side.

"None." I immediately answered, scratching my head. I feel my butt vibrate as my phone dinged in response to me getting a text message. Opening the little app I see that Annie had triple texted me.

"OMG THERE'S A CELEBRITY IN FRONT OF YOUR BUILDING." Her first text said which made me frown in distrust. "THIS IS NOT A DRILL!!" She continues to yell. "RACHEL, HE WAS IN MARVEL MOVIES!!" I gained a feeling in my gut that could only be described as pure anxiety as I read her messages. Things had been so wrong and weird the past few days and hearing these worries confirmed through other people was now setting off some sort of alarm in my body.

"Uh, I'm beginning to not feel very well," I mention lightly to my boss as a sudden feeling of faintness covers my eyes. "Can I go home?" I ask. My boss, Alex runs a hand through their short hair and shrugs, looking at me strangely.

"You've been working hard, and I doubt this is just going to be a distraction. Feel free, just work back tomorrow an extra hour if you can." I have always been thankful for my boss who has always treated me like this and grabbed my laptop before rushing over to my elevator.

Why did this shit have to happen to me? I think this is where stage 2 of my non-existent plan comes into place and – OKAY I'M GOING TO USE THE REMOTE BECAUSE I HAVE ZERO FUCKING CLUE WHAT IS HAPPENING AND WHAT TO DO. LIKE AM I SUPPOSED TO SIMP FOR THEM OR ARE THEY TRYNA KILL ME????

I exit my building and view the group of people who had already marched all the way to the end of the block. Suddenly, my blood turns to ice as I make eye contact with the familiar man standing above the rest of the crowd. He had an evil glint in his eyes as he winked and turned around, walking off with his posse following.

Oh boy.

It's an Avengers level threat, alright. 

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