Chapter 6

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"Wakey, wakey!" I heard a male voice distantly speaking out, I scrunched up my face in pain as I felt everything aching in my upright position. I felt my hand tied behind my back while I was sitting on a cold, hard floor leaning up against a wall. Suddenly remembering the last thing, I had remembered, I immediately opened my eyes and explored my surroundings.

"Ah, there she is! Welcome back, darling." The same voice coos, I turn my head to meet the bright green eyes of a man that I only (jokingly) blamed my whole past year on. Loki Laufeyson, God of mischief and most definitely should be dead. Maybe. I don't actually know, I guess it depends on which Loki this was. 616? 732? WHY SO MANY VARIANTS.

"Aw man, why is it you?" I whine, throwing my head back so I hit it against whatever kind of wall I'm sitting up against. Although, I almost regretted it feeling the sudden pain radiate from it immediately. Loki crouched down directly in front of me so we were eye to eye, wearing black dress pants and a white button-up shirt. His hair was tied back out of his face and the sleeves of his shirt rolled up to reveal his forearms. God, real Loki was scary but Tom Hiddleston, who looked like Loki (is Loki?) is so fucking hot. NOT THE TIME RACHEL!

"Not happy to see me? I would have assumed you'd be a big fan. Timeline travelling and all." He grinned menacingly, his eyes sparkling with humour. "I heard you're quite good at that."

"Nope, no I am not. I suck at it actually. Absolutely Horrible. Got stuck one time and someone had to... uh... push me right out back into my own one. You've definitely gotten the wrong impression from somewhere."

"Oh, the other Rachel I've met was so much friendlier." He rolled his eyes, standing back up so he was standing straight. My gut flipped at his words, and I was surprised.

"Other... Rachel...?" I questioned, horrified.

"Oh yes, I've met another one of you. Successfully maintained her position back in one of the many universes where the Avengers existed. In fact, she became Stark's personal slave." He explained, walking backwards so he could lean onto a table resting on the side of the room. "Although I see you've escaped his clutches and once again made your way home. That's when I knew I had to come and see you."

"Why? If I'm in my own universe, why do I matter?" Loki remained quiet, his smirk once gracing his face slowly fell and he looked into my eyes intensely.

"I would tell you, but that wouldn't be as fun." His grin reappeared with this, and he stood back up and made his way towards the door and exited the room. In his place entered two guards wearing familiar uniforms that I could make out a logo on. TVA. I DON'T REMEMBER THIS HAPPENING IN THE TV SERIES???

So, if this is the same Loki from the series, Sylvie wouldn't be around... right? RIGHT? Was that Sylvie I ran into or was it a genuine coincidence. Oh, come on, as if it would have been a coincidence with all this other shit happening. Okay, so he obviously needs me for something, so I'm not going to die, at least any time soon. Maybe the guards will let something slip. Anything; any information on what this Loki has experienced, any information they have on the Avengers. Whatever I can. I NEED BREADCRUMBS.

"So... TVA. Huh." I awkwardly speak up, pursing my lips together to give a flat smile. "That must be fun."

"You are not permitted to speak with us." The woman on the left explains unenthusiastically. Both figures remained at the door, unmoving and didn't even glance in my direction. Oddly enough, this only seemed to annoy me and the fear I felt was slowly growing into annoyance instead.

"What, Loki want's me to go insane in my own head?" I snort. "He obviously needs me for something, can't you guys at least amuse me?" They both remained silent and I sighed.

"Well, I guess I could just talk to you instead, maybe you guys will just get so annoyed and join in. So my name is Rachel, I'm sure you already know that. In fact I won't bother explaining my life story at all; you probably also know all about it. Well, I accidentally fell into the Marvel Cinematic Universe – and I use the term 'accidentally' very loosely because at this point I wouldn't be surprised if Loki planned in – well anyways I was transferred into a body of a cat and became the Avengers pet-"

I went on and on and on for as long as I could possibly stand telling these two robots about my time in the MCU and getting back home but not once did they show any signs of annoyance or actually any emotion at all. It was incredibly frustrating.

"So what timeline are you guys from?" I blurted out, bored of hearing my own voice. The man who was on the right took a glance at the woman but remained silent. "Hm, that got a reaction. I wonder why." I didn't mean to speak out loud, but it was true. Why did out of all of that, a simple question get a reaction. And why would it be odd? At their silence I eventually gave up and sat there quietly, fidgeting every few minutes due to the discomfort I felt in my ass from sitting on the floor for so long. My shoulders were also beginning to ache, and I could feel the pins and needles forming.

I didn't know what time it was or how long it was, but eventually, a knock on the door sounded and I looked up to see Loki stepping back into the room with a folder, the guards nodding at him and stepping out once Loki had made himself comfortable on the table once more.

"Back so soon?" I smiled awkwardly, trying to look nonchalant about it but I probably just looked annoyed.

"Of course, I have some questions that only you can answer." He smiled, opening the folder before pulling out a glossy black and white print that had a person's face on it. He turned it around to show me, before asking, "do you know who this is?"

Now, do I say yes or no? YES OR NO??

This could go very bad or very good depending on what he wanted with the person in the photo because I DEFINITELY know when I was looking at the image of myself. 

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