Chapter 8

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Loki had eventually returned from wherever he went, looking angry and ready to kill whatever he laid his eyes on first. Doors were slammed, Loki began to pace the room furiously, summoning a file out of thin air and began flipping through pages whilst muttering to himself. I wasn't sure if I wanted to speak at first considering his very evident mood, but I was human and usually clueless which means that I am nosy. I wanted to know why I was here and for what purpose because if it was to kill me, Loki would have already done that.

"So, may I ask what I'm doing here and why you've skipped through universes to kidnap me?" I hesitantly spoke up, breaking the silence that surrounded us.

"Keep your mouth shut if you know what's best for you." Loki spat back, glaring at me which sent literal shivers down my spine. I pursed my lips and nodded, understanding. Look, I wasn't that dumb to keep pushing at it even though I was incredibly interested. He had a strange picture of me and I'm assuming it was a variant of myself? But then why would he be here, this was my universe... unless this variant of me had escaped and was now crawling through this universe. I really had no clue; this was all just confusing me.

Not too long later, the door opened once more and I felt my heart skip a beat as a familiar dirt blonde-haired woman walks in, glancing over at me but focusing more on Loki.

"What happened?" She asked lowly, sitting down next to the tall pacing man who still looked frustrated. "Did you find her?"

"Is she here?" he asked sarcastically, rolling his eyes. "This was a mistake! They're playing us the contemptuous bastards."

"I'm sorry I don't mean to interrupt, and please don't kill me for doing so." I nervously spoke up, wincing at the green-eyed monster who looked as if he was quite literally about to pounce at me, hand twitching and everything. "But what do you want with me? Why am I involved? Are you looking for a variant of me?"

"And what do you know of variants, little girl?" Loki scoffed.

"Loki calm down, she may know something." Sylvie shut him up, giving him a glare before standing up and walking towards me. I felt myself freeze not really knowing what was going to happen. I couldn't tell if I was just nervous or very attracted to seeing Sylvie up close especially with the look she had on her face.

"We're hunting a variant of yourself because we want to kill her."


"What?" I spat out, angrily. "Wha-Wha-What did I ever do to you?" I questioned, my voice high.

"Not what you did to us, what she did." Your little variant hunted us down in another timeline, handed us over to the TVA, and took the reward. Not to mention her taking something very valuable to me." Sylvie explained.

"Okay and still, how am I involved? I'm literally just a millennial woman working for an office. How am I a threat?" I cried out, gobsmacked at the dump of information I was getting. This was so not fair.

"Because your little variant had a darker side to her," Sylvie explained. "Wanted to travel the multiverse and succeeded at it too. Wanting to explore every version of herself in search of her dead family. It seems that she hadn't gotten to you yet, but when she hears of this little situation, she will come crawling to try and save you."

"That just sounded like another Wanda multiverse issue." I squeaked, feeling Sylvie's hand begin to snake around my neck.

"Who?" She questioned, looking at Loki who just shook his head, no longer looking as if he was fuming but still looking annoyed.

"So, in the past week have you noticed anything strange about the people around you? Speaking of places where you never were or talking about situations you had never been involved in? And don't you dare think about lying to me." She warned with a hand firmly on my neck.

I immediately blurt out a no, shaking my head while gulping. "I swear on my life and every other life that involves me, I literally have now. Use your wacky mind magic to see – I swear."

"Nothing at all?" Loki spoke up, arms crossed but moving closer to us.

"Not a literal word. Everyone has been normal." The two remained silent and Sylvie removed her hand from my neck before they both walked out of the room and shut the door behind them.

What kind of bloody interrogation was that? Am I supposed to be attracted or scared??? And who the fuck was this variant copying Wanda's backstory from the multiverse of madness. Was I going to casually become a Y/N insert in her backstory??? AM I GOING TO KILL THE FANT– no. I will not – I will NEVER let her. My baby John Krasinski suffered enough. 


Well, if you haven't seen my most recent follower update then I'm happy to say that the rest of Love, Kitty is going to be published tonight (or today wherever you are). I don't remember what  I wrote so I'm going through and kind of editing things that I didn't like so it will be over the next couple of hours and maybe tomorrow. Most likely they'll be posted over the next 3 hours or so!

And again, if you haven't seen nor noticed I am currently updating my account to be run under a pseudonym as I want to get into writing my own works but without any bias due to having a feminine name. I am eventually going to update all my covers to include this new name, so I will no longer go by the name "EmzieRose". 

Have fun reading!

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