Chapter 3

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The next morning, I woke up in confusion and sat up quickly whilst wiping the drool that was exiting my mouth and had made a huge wet patch on the pillow touching my face. God damn it that's disgusting. The thing that was confusing me was the fact that my window was open.

I closed it last night, didn't I?


I CLOSED THAT WINDOW AND I DAMN WELL KNOW IT. I immediately jump up from the couch and walk over to the window, ignoring the cold air that was blowing in and look down towards the street. It was early morning and there weren't too many people walking on the street below, although I still looked around and slowly faced my apartment in case, I would turn to see a random guy staring at me. THIS IS TERRIFYING WHAT IF I GET KILLED?

Hesitantly, I begin to do a walk through of my apartment, moving to my kitchen and grabbing a knife so I could have it for defence. I walked through to my bathroom, checking behind the curtain for hidden psychos that may also be holding a knife, then into my bedroom. Everywhere was clear.

"Okay, what the fuck? Celebrities appearing out of thin air and now my window opening by itself but I'm not dead?" I declare to myself, simply confused. I return the knife to its holder in the kitchen before making myself a coffee and sighing deeply. Honestly, what on earth is my life?

After making myself some breakfast and noticing that I quite literally needed food to survive for the next few days, I decided to have a shower and then get ready for the day in order to do some grocery shopping.

I made sure to spend some time de-stressing under the hot water and upon stepping out I decided to dress up a little to make me feel better, I put on a tight-fitting ribbed shirt along with some skinny jeans that were ripped towards the knees. I made my way to the bathroom and made myself look hot as SHIT by beating my face and turning the rat's nest on my head into some slight waves. I made sure to put on some matte nude lipstick and made my way out of the bathroom and began walking to the front door. I made sure my window was locked, double-checking and even triple-checking just to make sure.

"Okay. Rachel. You've got this. Eye peeled for things that aren't real. Or like, maybe any weird looking animals that seem to have human characteristics that are impossible for them to have... It's happened once, it can happen again." I exited my apartment and began to 15-minute walk to the nearest grocery store, I made sure to look at everyone around me, watching for any familiar faces or any weird looking figures that were creeping around corners or isolated at tables. I didn't see anything odd, and it made me feel a little better. I reached my destination and headed in, grabbing a basket at the front.

Walking through the grocery store I gathered up all of the fruits and vegetables I needed for the next few days, although it was taking me longer than expected since every second or two, I kept glancing around to make sure no one was looking at me. I was incredibly jumpy, to others I must have looked like I was on something. Wide-eyed and not standing still at all, a very comforting look. I made my way through the aisles, glad to see that there weren't too many people around, and then finally reached the end of my list. I reached down to grab some ice cream before I heard someone begin to speak directly next to me.

"Oh excuse me, are you able to direct me to Holden Street?" I hear someone ask from behind me. I feel myself gasp before spinning around to look into the person's brown eyes, her blonde hair pinned up elegantly and a soft smile on her face.

"Sophia Di Martino?" I hesitantly ask, very confused and quite baffled. She looks away, almost embarrassed before nodding.

"Oh, yes that's me. I assume you're a fan." Immediately feeling bad for putting the poor woman on the spot I begin stuttering out apologies.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable, I just didn't expect you. You kinda snuck up on me, wow has anyone told you that you are a gorgeous woman. Sorry, that was weird..." I continued to embarrass myself which honestly just made Sophia look even more weirded out.

"Thank you?" She says carefully.

"Oh, uh Holden Street. Uh, outside the doors turn right, go down to Tennis Ave and turn left there. You should come across it a few intersections down. Sorry again." I do everything to avoid her eyes before he chuckles.

"Thank you." She politely thanked me before heading off towards the doors. It took me about 4 minutes to work out that she was asking for Holden Street.



At least I looked good. 

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