ꕥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞 ꕥ

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"Ya shank, you're sure we're not going too far?" Minho asked.

Thomas and Minho decided to go on a ride with their horses. They left the Glade Castle a few hours ago, riding their black and brown horses deep into the woods.

"No, let's just go a little further, there was this nice waterfall I saw a few days ago," Thomas answered.

Minho's horse was getting nervous when he was in the woods, but he loved waterfalls, so Minho didn't complain about the idea of riding to the waterfall. A tree snapped, making Thomas' head shot into its direction. Minho smirked, thinking about scaring the brunet.

"Huh, scared? I'd be, they say there are witches in h-"

"Shut up, Min... Didn't you hear someone yell?" Thomas asked.

It was Minho's turn to get scared. He didn't hear anything, but knew Thomas was serious. The brunet stopped his black horse, looking around before leading him to the left, leaving the path.

"What are you doing, Thomas?" Minho hissed.

"Just follow."

Minho sighed, but lead his horse to the left as well. Thomas looked back at Minho, smirking when he saw Minho's hands slightly shake.

"Huh, scared?" he mocked.

"Shut up, y-"

"Min, look!"

Thomas was shocked at what he saw. The fairy things his grandmother told him were actually real. He never thought he'd find a fairy deep in the woods, but he did.

He immediately hopped off his black horse, running over to the small body that was laying on the grass patch. He didn't expect the height of the fairy when he kneeled down beside the body.

"It's a boy," Thomas whispered.

He had soft blonde hair, his skin was shiny and pale, he had a button nose and his eyes were tightly shut. Thomas didn't expect a fairy to be that tall, but the fairy would probably reach his shoulder.

Still in shock, Thomas was about to touch the fairy's arm, but Minho stopped him by placing his hand on the brunet's shoulder.

"W-what are you doing? He can have poison on his skin," Minho said.

"What? No, didn't you read the books?" Thomas asked, reaching over to touch the blonde's neck, checking his pulse.

"No, I'm not a fairy creep like you, shank," Minho huffed.

Thomas noticed the small daisies in the fairy's hair, looking like a flower crown. His clothes were only short trousers with a small green shirt, only covering his upper body, no shoes or socks.

"He's a daisy fairy, I guess... He has a pulse," Thomas said.

He looked more down on the fairy's body, noticing a cut on his stomach and his snapped left leg. He didn't hesitate to rip some of his shirt off and put it on the wound, the fairy had on his stomach.

"W-what are you doing? That's mom's cashmare made."

Minho and Thomas were utterly in shock. Minho didn't know what to say or do, while Thomas was curious and wanted the fairy to wake up. He placed his hand in his soft, blonde hair, going through the mess on his head. He noticed his sharp ears that were turning pinkish, making Thomas smile at his beauty.

"Isn't he beautiful?" Thomas asked in awe.

"Yeah whatever..."

Thomas wanted to help the fairy, so he didn't think twice about it. He wrapped his arms around the blonde's shoulder and leg and picked him up. To his surprise the fairy was very light and fragile, it worried him.

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