ꕥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 ꕥ

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"I don't like wearing shoes, they're so heavy," Newt said quietly, while his leg was streched out for Thomas to tie his shoe.

"You don't have to, I can give you black socks?" Thomas suggested.

The blonde smiled and nodded slowly. The brunet let out a small chuckle, reached over to Newt's cheek with his hand and pinched it lightly.

"You look adorable," Thomas whispered.

He looked Newt up and down for the millionth time that day. He admired him with the yellow suit and a golden cape, to add his small golden crown on the head. He was adorable. The blonde blushed slightly, looking down his lap.

"I'll get you some socks," Thomas said, he winked at Newt before getting off the bed and going out of the room.

Newt assumed that the brunet will get him fresh ones, so he smiled slightly, he loved the way his lover cared for him. He reached for his feet and took off the uncomfortable black leather shoes before flopping down on the comfortable sheets.

"Hello son, can I come in?"

Newt looked at the door, revealing his mother standing there with her long, green dress and flowers on her head. The blonde nodded his head, sitting up. Kate came into the room, walking toward the bed, she sat beside her son.

"I'm so proud of you," Kate started.

Newt carefully listened to her words, while playing with the hem of his yellow shirt.

"You are the reason we, fairies are free because of your bond with Thomas... I'm-I'm just so proud and lucky to have you... And, I'm happy you're marrying the boy you love," Kate said.

Newt didn't say anything at first. He had never thought about rescuing his whole folk with only loving someone who was not his race. He never thought about living safe before he met the love of his life.

"Thank you, mother..." he breathed out eventually.

The blonde smiled at his mother and leaned his head toward hers, so he could nuzzle his nose against her forehead. Kate took a deep breath before hugging her son tightly.

"Oh, I forgot... Have you planned the honeymoon?" Kate asked.

Newt looked down his lap. He didn't know, he didn't talk to Thomas about it at all. He actually wanted to do something, but felt shy to ask. He knew he shouldn't hesitate to ask, but something was always bothering him when he thought about that topic.

He didn't know if he was ready to show off his fairy body to the prince he loved. He also knew that the brunet would never say something against him, still there was something bothering him.

"No, we didn't talk about it," Newt whispered.

"Oh, that's okay, you don't have to."

Kate nuzzled her nose on Newt's head, avoiding the small golden crown. Newt giggled at her. Kate smiled and stood up, leaving the room. Newt closed his eyes, while he had his knees pulled up to his chest and head rested on his knees.

"I didn't get black socks, but Milana gave me there cream colored ones, they look comfortable," Thomas said while walking over to the blonde.

He saw Newt open his eyes, making him smile slightly. He didn't know how much Newt affected him, but he did in some way. The brunet pulled Newt into a hug, wrapping his arms around his fragile shoulders.

"I'm so happy," he whispered into Newt's ear.

"I'm happy too," Newt whispered back.

He pulled away from Thomas, only to connect their lips into a loving kiss. While Newt cupped Thomas' cheeks, the brunet stroke blonde's waist. The fairy didn't know where the rush of his pulse came from, but his wings sprung out of his skin, fluttering rapidly. Thomas broke the kiss with a slight gasp.

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