ꕥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞 ꕥ

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He pulled out his sword, hopping off his black horse. Janson was standing there, Newt's fairy dust in his hands. He didn't see Thomas, he was so focused on the fact that he was about to get as much as he wanted.

"Janson," Thomas said waving his hand.

The king's brother turned around, huffing out a laugh when he saw Thomas, his sword tightly in both of his hands. Janson, stepped away a little from the waterfall, getting the fairy dust into his pocket.

"You? You think you can stop me?" he asked, laughing.

"Why are you doing this?" Thomas asked, ignoring his question.

Janson shrugged his shoulders while walking down towards the prince. Thomas didn't show any fear while inside he was crying, he knew he shouldn't, he told Newt that he loved the blonde. Nothing could stop Thomas, not even his own death.

"Well Thomas, you know that hundreds of years ago, big king of the Glade Castle began using those creatures... Well guess what, the king never died," he explained, stepping closer to him.

"You killed her, you killed my mother," Thomas hissed at him.

He saw Janson pull his sword out of his belt, a smirk on his face. The brunet stepped back while Janson could only step closer to the prince.

"I did? Well question, what do you see in this creature that you risked your life for... Him? A boy, right?"

Thomas' face was red in anger, the only thing he could think of was stabbing his uncle's throat. Janson had a disgusted face when Thomas nodded. Thomas couldn't hold his anger anymore, he swung his sword toward his uncle, he of course defending himself.

"Heh, you think you can win against me, while your mother couldn't?"

Thomas didn't care what Janson said, his mother was better than Thomas in any kind of way, but he needed to release the anger he had towards his father's brother.

He pushed his sword left and right while Janson was not doing well in that time, backing up against a rock. Thomas didn't though it would go that easy, he pushed his sword onto Janson's neck.

"Come on, kill me... Your mother couldn't," he hissed.

Thomas hesitated, while tears began running down his soft cheeks. He couldn't do it. Janson knew it, he knew it too well that a boy like Thomas would never harm anyone. He took is as an opportunity to grab Thomas' sword himself and pushed the brunet to the ground.

"You could never, Thomas," Janson whispered.

Thomas didn't had the time to stand up, Janson had already pushed him down with his sword on his neck. Janson got down as well, a smirk on his face.

The brunet panicked, tears coming down his cheek. Thomas noticed the sting of the sword on his neck. He felt blood coming out of his throat while it got harder to breathe.

"But I can."

It was Newt's voice. Thomas would recognize his voice everywhere and he knew Newt was there. His Newt was there to save him while he was about to die.

Thomas didn't know when it happened, but when he blinked Janson was off him, coughing heavily while backing up against the wall. Newt was flying with his big, yellow feather wings spread and attached to the skin on his back.

"You bitch," he choked.

Newt had an ivy around Janson's neck and the other was pushing him against the hard rock. Janson choked when Newt began to tighten the ivy around his neck, while Thomas watched.

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