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Mingi_99: I can't believe I had the second and third but not the first :v

Jongho: Me neither, trust me

Jongho: At least we ended up watching the second harry potter which was also good

Mingi_99: Oh yeah, it's one of my favorites along with the first and third!

Jongho: I can't wait to see them all

Mingi_99: I'm happy

Jongho: Why??

Mingi_99: Because I made you discover something you now love

Jongho looked at the screen, for once Mingi wasn't being loud with tons of exclamation points or unnecessary emojis to get his feelings through. It made him realize just how serious the boy was, he seemed genuinely happy to have made the younger happy as well and Jongho was touched.

Jongho: So how's the ice cream shop thing?

Mingi_99: Excuse me

Mingi_99: It's not a thing

Mingi_99: It's a chain of ice cream shops

Jongho: Sorry xd

Mingi_99: And they paid me my own house!

Jongho: I said sorry xd

Jongho: And you don't have to throw it in my face every time :v

Mingi_99: If you want your own house you can come live with me :p

Mingi_99: I promise to give you at least somewhere there's the carpet so you can sleep

Jongho: Oh what I'm supposed to sleep on the floor????

Mingi_99: Hey if you wanna sleep with me that's fine too

Jongho: I was thinking more of a guest room

Mingi_99: Really? :c

Mingi_99: I swear I'd be an excellent cuddling buddy

Jongho: What even is that

Mingi_99: It's someone you cuddle in order to fall asleep! :D

Jongho: I would literally punch that someone if they wrapped anything against me

Mingi_99: Yah you're not a romantic :c

Mingi_99: How am I supposed to make a move if you don't even cuddle??

Once again, Jongho had a mini heart attack while he read what the boy had sent. He whined and tossed and turned on his bed before answering.

Jongho: You don't

Mingi_99: I'll find a way, trust me

Jongho: I'm never standing near you again

Mingi_99: You just wait until hour next movie session 😈

Jongho: Just a heads up, don't be surprised if I don't show up :v

Mingi_99: Your love for Harry will bring you here

Jongho: We'll see :) 

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