Chapter Six

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My Pokemon and I are resting right now, and we are almost at Saffron City for our fourth gym. While traveling down route six I gave Ghastly the nickname Nexus and Scyther the nickname Luna. Along the way Nexus and Luna was able to get some experience from battles, and Nexus evolved into Haunter during one of the battle.

Once we entered Saffron City the city seems to be over run by Team Rocket members. They seem to be merging at Silph Co. If they are at Silph Co. nothing good will come out of it. "Xavier long time no see. I did not expect you to be in Saffron City yet." Turning around I find Blue standing behind me.

"I was going to get my Marsh Badge, but with Team Rocket running around I will have to put that on hold. Especially since they are converging toward the Silph Co."

"You know what they want from there." I was hesitant to answer, but I could some what say he is smart enough to know that if the wrong person got a hold of that pokeball the world will fall apart. "Yes, I pokeball. My father told me they completed it a while ago. I guess someone leaked the information."

"What your father works for the Silph Co."

"Yes, he is the head scientist. You can't say anything your gramps is Professor Oak."

"You got me there. Well ready to battle some Team Rocket members."

"As ready as I will ever be." Taking off Blue and I tagged team many of the battles taking out every Team Rocket member we came across. Once at the Silph Co. building Jessie and James blocked the way.

"Prepare for trouble."

"Make that double."

"To protect the world from devastation."

"To unite all people within our nation."



"Team Rocket blast off with the speed of light."

"Surrender now or prepare to fight."

"Meowth that's right"

Not these three again. "You know these three Xavier," Blue asked. "Unfortunately, yes I do."

Jessie and James sent out Ekans and Koffing while I sent out Nexus and Blue sent out Exeggutor. "Nexus use night shade on Ekans." "Exeggutor use leaf storm on Koffing."

"Ekans use poison sting." "Koffing smog attack." Nexus's night shade hit before Ekans could get off its attack, and Exeggutor hit both Koffing and Ekans.

"Hypnosis Nexus. Lets put them to sleep."

"Once they are a sleep Exeggutor hit them with another leaf storm." Hypnosis hit and both Ekans and Koffing fell asleep. Blue's Exeggutor made another leaf storm and finished of both of them. We called back our Pokemon and ran past Jessie and James and headed for the labs. Since I knew where they were I lead the way, but someone else stopped us before we could make it to the lab. "Those two idiots could not handle two kids. Never mind you will not be getting past me. I am Admin Archer and you will not defeat me so easily like the two before you."

"I will take care of this guy, you just get to the labs okay." Nodding Blue makes me a path to the labs. I run into a few more grunt, but they were quickly taken care of. I burst into the labs and find Dad and another man standing in front of him with a Persian standing right next to him.

"Xavier what are doing here. It is to dangerous."

"This must be your son if I am correct well no matter. Persian fury swipes."

"Kaida use wrap." Kaida jumped off from around me neck and wrapped his self around Persian. "Persian bite attack." I could not warn Kaida in time before Persian bite down on him. "Kaida no." But he made a fetal mistake, "Kaida dragon tail." He left Kaida's lower end alone and free, his tail. Kaida wasted no time and took down Persian. "Persian return. Rhydon use drill run."

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