Chapter Eleven

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After the few days on the road Dante was fitting in with everyone else. We met a few trainers and Dante was able to get a feel for battling along side me and my other Pokemon. Dante loves training with Luna and Dante will be great against Blaine the fire type gym trainer. While walking I stumble upon a Kindergarten. A woman walks up to me and speaks, "Oh I am so glade you are here the children are so happy you are here." Before I could ask what she is talking about the women get a phone call. She sounded so disheartened and she hung up and apologized. "There is nothing to apologize for, but what is the matter miss."

"Some Pokemon trainers were supposed to come over and show the kids their Pokemon, but seems they won't be coming."

"Well, I am a Pokemon trainer."

"Really. But I can't ask you to do that. You must be so busy."

"Not at all. I don't want the little ones to be sad on kids day." With that she brought me in to the playground and called for the kids to come out. The little ones swarmed to Maren, Prism, and Kaida. Kaida climbed higher around me and wrapped around my head. The teacher yells for them to calm down. The little ones calm down and I bring out the rest of my Pokemon. All the little ones played with my Pokemon, but one little boy was hiding behind some of the playground equipment.

"Why is that little not playing with the other ones." The teacher turns to where I was pointing and tells that his name is Timmy. Walking over to him I kneel down and ask why he is not playing with everyone else.

"I don't want to met any other Pokemon except Meowth."

"Why do you want to only met Meowth?" Timmy explained that he was attacked by a Beedrill and a Meowth saved him. Some of the other children were saying that he was a liar and for him to prove it. "Now. Now. Lets not fight. Why don't you three go pack and play with my Pokemon." The other children go off and play and I stay behind with Timmy. "Timmy I may not have a Meowth, but I have its evolved version Persian."

"But I want to see a Meowth."

"Would you at least see Prism." The little one nodded and I called over Prism. "Timmy is Prism my Persian."

"Why do you call it Prism?"

"I like to give my Pokemon nicknames like Vaporeon is called Maren, Scyther is Luna, Victreebel is Cyprus, Venomoth is Aeron, Gengar is Nexus, Rapidash is Shula, Kabutops is Dante, and Dragonair is Kaida. When I nickname my Pokemon I want my Pokemon to be comfortable with the name and they have to agree on the name. Also Prism is a she not a it." Before Timmy could reply music started to play near the entrance. Everyone goes near the entrance and a truck pulls up. They announce that they are giving a free magic show. They set up in the gym and announce they are going to make a Pokemon disappear.

They take Maren and put him in the box and say a few magic words before Meowth pops out. They done a quick bow before they tried to leave in a hurry. "Where's Maren," I question before they could leave. They throw off their outfits and show that they are Jessie, James, and Meowth. The children interrupt their monologue, but the teacher yells at them to go back inside. James's Weezing uses smog and makes for a get away. I chase after them but they get away in their vehicle. Before I could chase after them Maren ran out to me, "Thank goodness you are alright Maren." Then the teacher ran out saying she could not find Timmy. For a little less than half an hour we search for Timmy, but could not him anywhere in the Kindergarten. When I was about go out and search for him in the surrounding woods, Timmy ran up with a Meowth behind him. Timmy explained that the Meowth from prior came back to save him from Team Rocket.

The three kids from earlier apologize for calling Timmy a liar. Looking at the Meowth it looks like Team Rocket's Meowth, but so far it has not talked. The little ones start to complement the Meowth but I swear I heard Meowth talk. "Did that Meowth talk," asked one of the children. It started to back up then ran away where they came from before. We follow after them and find Jessie and James standing atop of a bolder and monologue again, but then they challenge me to a Pokemon battle. I send out Aeron and Luna, while they send out Arbok and Weezing. "Weezing smog attack." Black smog covers the area, but I order Aeron to blow away the smog, but by the time the smog was cleared Arbok was gone. Then Arbok came out of the ground, "Luna send Arbok flying by using X-scissor." Luna used x-scissor and sent Arbok flying into the wall behind Team Rocket.

When Arbok made contact with the wall loose boulders started to fall, I recalled Luna and Aeron and started to run for cover but Timmy fell. I ran and picked him up but the boulder was to close to run away from, out of the corner of my eye I spot a Meowth leaping at the boulder. It hit the boulder and split it in two, stopping it from colliding into Timmy and I. After that fiasco we return to the Kindergarten and I say goodbye to everyone.

I am back on the road toward Cinnabar Island, the next town has a Ferry I could catch that can take me there and Seafoam Island as well. I stop for the night near a stream and wash off the days grim. Once everyone was feed I settled down in my sleeping bag, but my thoughts would not let me sleep. It is coming close to a year since I started this journey and for what reason. I am happy that I have amazing Pokemon by my side to experience this with, but what motive do I have for collecting gym badges. My father wants me to follow in his footsteps and become another head scientist in the Silph Co. labs but that is not for me. I know I have the smarts to become a head scientist, but for what reason.

My mother never said anything to me about becoming what she was. My mother was a famous pianist playing to her heart contents. That is one of the reasons I wanted to learn how to play the violin. She always said that the piano and violin made the perfect melody together, and she was right they do. But we never got to play together. She died in a plane crash not too long after I turned five. Robin that was my Mothers name and my Father is Joshua. They never let the media catch wind that they were married or that they had me. I am not a carbon copy of my Mother or Father, but a mix between them both. Out of everything my hair is definitely the strangest, left side is black then fades to white but fades back to black, and the other side is vise versa. Moms hair is black and Dads is white. My eyes I get from both of them, my eyes in the light are more yellow, like Dads, but when it gets dark they turn more gold like Moms.

I know that I want to experience more Pokemon battles. The thrill of a battle is like finally test if the project I have been working on for months works, or walking out on a stage and playing for a large crowd. The Indigo League is going to give me the same thrill of battles hoping to make it to the number one spot. Then I can challenge the Elite four and Champion. Maybe I can aim for the title champion I want to be Champion of Kanto, this is my own dream, my own motive, and I will do my best. "Guys I have decided I want to aim to be Champion of Kanto will you help me achieve this goal along side me?" My Pokemon immediately agree and can't wait till we get to Cinnabar Island for our seventh badge and one more before we can enter the League, then to the Elite four and Champion.

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