Chapter Seven

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Even after Kaida evolved into Dragonair he still insisted to wrap around my neck. Since Prism is to big to fit in my bag she walks along side me and Maren still wants me to carry him. Entering Celadon City many men and women are flocking towards a department store on a corner. Many of the women are going on and on about a big sale, the men look like they want to go home. Once inside two girls greet me. "Hello, how can we help you."

"Well, I was just seeing what all the commotion was about."

"We are having a big sale today on some of our most popular perfume."

"Do you mind if I could smell a few."

"Of course not. Sit right here and we will get the samples." They sat me down on a square chair and brought over a few samples of what must be their popular perfumes. Many of their popular perfumes are more of a dessert smells. "They are great but I was wondering if you had any lavender sents."

"Why yes we do. They are not as popular, but we do get a few customers that like the more natural scent of flowers. If you like the lavender you might also like this one." She grabs my wrist and sprays some perfume on me. I take a small sniff and it is almost like I am surrounded by a field of flowers. "It smells like a field of freshly bloomed flowers in spring."

"It's called Daffodil Dreams one of the few flowery scents that is popular."

"I would like both of these and maybe if you have one that smells like the ocean." It took a few hours but after a while we were able to find the right one. "Thank you for your purchase come back soon miss." Maybe I need to make a sign that says 'I am male.'

Night was fast approaching so we had dinner at the Pokemon Center. The next morning I headed to the Gym. As I step into the Gym a girl from the perfume department greeted me. "Oh, you are the customer from before. Are you here to challenge Erica?"

"Yes, I am here to earn the Rainbow Badge."

"Well, Erica is busy with some of the other younger girls, but you are welcome to join them." Nodding she leads me to a group of girls in a large garden while Erica, the Gym leader, is teaching them. I join in and learn about Erica's Gloom and how if it does not feel threatened it will not smell bad. After some time Erica finally comes up to me.

"Sorry about the wait."

"It is fine. I had fun learning so many different things about the Pokemon. If it is not too much to ask I would like to challenge you to a gym battle."

"I accept lets go out to the battle field." Once out on the battle field a referee stated the rules, "This is a three vs three battle, substitutions are allowed. Trainer will you please bring out your first Pokemon."

"Tangela I choose you."

"Aeron come on out for battle. Now use Psybeam."

"Dodge Tangela. Then use Bind." Tangela dodge and hit Aeron with a bind attack rendering Aeron unable to move. "Sleep powder Aeron." If we could put it to sleep then a leech life and psybeam will take it out. "Dodge it."

With Tangela still being close the sleep powder hit knocking it out and loosened Aeron bindings. "Now leech life, then use psybeam to finish it off."

"No Tangela wake up." Biting down on Tangela Aeron recovered some health, then a psybeam finished off Tangela. "Tangela is unable to battle. The winner is Venonat."

"Tangela you did marvelous, but rest up now. Weepinbell your next. Now use Acid."

"Dodge, then leech life." Aeron dodge each acid attack and got up close and bit down landing the hit. "Good job, now use tackle." Since he is still close the tackle lands and forces Weenpinbell landed out side the field knocked out. "Weepinbell is unable to battle. Gym trainer Erica please bring out your last Pokemon." Before Erica could call out her last Pokemon Aeron glowed blue. The light died down and instead of a Venonat standing there a Venomoth replaced him. "Venomoth the poison moth Pokemon. The dust-like scales covering its wings are colored to indicate what kinds of poison it has."

"That is amazing Aeron you evolved."

"Even if Venonat evolved this will be the turning point. Gloom I choose you." Aeron takes out Gloom and we will have the Rainbow Badge. One of the girls on the side lines shouted and pointed up above us. On the lights above the battle field Jessie and James stood with Meowth as well.

"To protect the world from devastation."

"To unite all people within our nation."

"To denounce the evils of truth and love."

"To extend our reach to the stars above."

"And last but not least, to blast this dump sky-high!" They did not get to finish their monologe before a explosion sent them sky high, and with, what they said to be, the formula for Erica's perfume. The explosion caught many of the surrounding planet life on fire forcing us to evacuate everyone and the Pokemon. Outside we pulled as many water hoses up to the building while many of the trainers got all the Pokemon out.

"Xavier have you seen Gloom."

"No I haven't."

"No one has seen Gloom. It couldn't still be in there could it." With that thought I dropped my bags and ran into the burning gym ignoring the shouts of Erica. Many of the path ways are blocked but I make it out to the battle field and see Gloom near the back of the room surrounded by fire. Getting close I could smell the awful smell Gloom is putting off. "Gloom please it is alright now I am here to get you." Walking closer again I am able to breath, but smoke is starting to fill my lungs.

I pick up Gloom and run out to the front of the building. Outside Erica takes Gloom and all through the night we work to put out the fire. By morning the fire is put out the Gym is destroyed.

"Well, we can't finish our battle now."

"No, we can't but I think you earned this. Don't you think so to Gloom." In Erica's hand is a Rainbow Badge. "Really but we did not finish our battle."

"I think we all know who would have won that battle. Also take this as a thank you for saving Gloom." Taking the badge Erica pulls out a leaf stone and hands it to me. I bow and thank Erica profusely. Waving off I stop at the Pokemon Center and head off to get my next badge.

1155 words

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