Chapter Three

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 The next morning came quick. Maren, Cyprus, and I ate breakfast at the Pokemon Center. Out back there was a battle field for battling or training. For a few hours Maren and Cyprus trained together, even if Cyprus does have the type advantage gym trainers have more experience. Maybe with a good strategy Cyprus and Maren could stand a chance against Brock. Lunch came around, so with a quick lunch we then gathered all of our things before I returned Cyprus to his Pokeball. Making room in my bag I set the egg inside surrounded by some of my clothes.

Entering the gym I was greeted with a rocky terrain battle field and Brock the Gym trainer standing at the other side.

"My name is Brock. I am the Pewter City rock type gym trainer. Are you here to challenge me?" Stepping up on the other side I respond, "Yes, I am here for a battle."

"Alright then, this is a two on two battle. Geodude come on out." I sent Maren out first. "Geodude use Rock Throw." "Maren climb the rocks and get into the sky." Maren used each rock to climb higher until he was as high he could get. "Tackle."

"Dodge Geodude." Geodude was able to evade Maren's attack and slamed down into the ground. Maren was up and ready to battle. "Tackle Geodude." "Dodge using quick attack."

"Maren use Growl then follow up with sand attack." He lowered Geodude's attack and kicked up the sand blinding Geodude. "Quick Attack Maren."

"Get out of there Geodude." Brock yelled. Quick attack landed and knocked Geodude out and gave Maren the win.

"Geodude return. That was some impressive battling there."

"Thank you, but Maren did all the work and trusted me to come up with a good strategy." Brock then brought out his next Pokemon.

"Onix come on out." Onix appeared on the battle field looming over Maren.

"Maren come back. You did great." Maren came back and I held Maren in my arms. Taking out Cyprus pokeball I called him out to the battle field. "Cyprus growth then vine whip." Cyprus raised his attack and special attack, then attacked Onix with vine whip. Onix went down creating a dusk cloud.

"Onix." Onix recovered and got back up. "Onix harden then tackle." Onix glowed silver and when it died down Onix barrled toward Cyprus. "Cyprus growth then vine whip." Thankfully Cyprus was able to get the growth up but Onix landed the tackle attack.

"Cyprus can you still battle." Cyprus prevailed and got back up ready to continue this battle. "Vine whip."

"Rock throw." Cyprus was faster and landed vine whip taking down Onix. He did Cyprus and Maren did it. Grabbing Cyprus I held them both giving out praises for how great they did.

"I admit defeat. You and your Pokemon did amazing and with your victory here at Pewter City gym you earned yourself a Boulder Badge." Taking the badge and after giving me thanks for a great battle we headed toward the Pokemon center to get healed up. Pining the badge to the inside of my jacket Cyprus, Maren, and I slept one more night before we headed out to Cerulean City.

We headed toward Mt. Moon to go through and reach Cerulean City. Reaching the entrance of Mt. Moon I was meet with a male being attacked by a horde of Zubats. Sending out Cyprus I ask him to use vine whip. Cyprus attacks the horde and knocks them away freeing the scientist. "Wow you are the greatest," he started hugging me with Maren between us. He did not like that very much so he bit the scientist. Backing off the scientist went on some more. "Why were the Zubat chasing you Mr." "No don't call me Mr. it is Seymour. Seymour the scientist." Seymour and I walked through the cave while he talked about how the cave was light up and disturbing the Zubat. Also there are Clefairy in this cave and it is also said where the moon stone lays. Walking farther in the cave we came across a Clefiary holding a stone.

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