Chapter Thirteen

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Entering Viridian City, I make my way to Viridian Gym. Out of all the gyms that I have seen this one takes the cake. The front looks like the entrance of a Roman Colosseum, at the door of the gym was Jason from the Diglett incident. "Never thought I would see you again Xavier."

"Could have said the same thing to you Jason."

"Sorry first come first serve. You will have to wait after I beat the Gym leader."

"Only if I can watch the fight. I came to Viridian City first for my first badge, but the gym was closed."

"Really, I have not heard that, but the gym is open." Walking up to the door two men open the door and let in Jason, but does not allow me to pass.

"Only one trainer at a time."

"Oh, well good luck Jason."

"I don't need luck. Just wait for me outside." Sitting down on the stairs, I groom Prism while I wait for Jason. I spend three hours outside the gym, before I get up and make my way back to the door and find it open slightly. Opening the door the rest of the way I find Jason on the floor passed out.

"Jason wake up." I shake Jason awake, trying to get answer why he is passed out. After a minute Jason started to stir and I helped him sit up.

"Jason what happened?"

"I went in to battle the gym trainer and I won the first two battles, but his last Pokemon was something I have never seen before. Then it attacked me."

"The gym trainer can't just attack the challengers, because they lost." I help Jason up and make my way to the second door to the gym battlefield. Throwing open the doors instead of a man standing on the opposite side was Jessie, James, and Meowth.

"Looks like the twerp came for a battle. Well this time you will not be so victorious. Step up onto the platforms and we can start the battle." I don't trust them, but seems like I have no choice. Jessie sent out Machamp while I sent Luna.

"Luna double team, then air slash."

"Machamp attack." Luna made copies of herself, and all the copies attacked Machamp using air slash. The air slash connected and knocked Machamp into the wall. When Machamp connected a shock went through Jessie.

"Meowth, why is it connected to my side as well?"

"I must've connected yours as well."

"What are you talking about," I ask. The platforms that Jessie and I are standing on give you an electric shock each time that your Pokemon take damage.

"Well then, we will have to end this quick, Luna use sword dance, then air slash." Machamp recovered quickly and sent a throat chop at Luna. Dodging she raised her attack by using sword dance, and unleashed an air slash. The air slash connected and knocked out Machamp.

"I can't stand this. Rhydon and Kingler go."

"This is supposed to be one versus one match," yelled Jason.

"I make the rules here."

"Well then, Luna x-scissor." While Luna was battling Meowth set to shock my platform, but Jason tackled Meowth and broke the remote. My platform sent a shock through me. A strong volt of electricity sent burning and tingling sensation throughout my body. When it finally stopped Maren was pulling my coat, finally bringing me back to my senses. The gym was collapsing around me, jumping down I recalled Luna and ran out with Jason and my Pokemon beside me. Jason and I head to the Pokemon Center and I have Luna looked after.

"Seems like I will have to battle at another gym."

"The Indigo League is in two months so you better find another one soon."

"Yeah, thanks. I will be seeing you." Nodding I sigh and wait for Nurse Joy to call. Prism walks in front of me and drops something at my feet. Down at my feet was an earth badge.

"Prism where did you get this?" Well, seems like I don't have to find another gym to challenge. "Thanks Prism that saved us a lot of time."

"Xavier, your Pokemon are all healed up." I thank Nurse Joy and call out Shula once I am outside. Maren hopped on my shoulders while Prism laid in front of me. I ushered Shula and we set off for Pallet Town.


I enter the outside edges of Pallet Town and make my way to home. In the backyard is a large dome, once inside I let out all my Pokemon and allow them to look around the sanctuary. Father built the dome so he could research Pokemon up close in their natural habitat. Thankfully the dome has many different kinds of fruit and berry trees growing, so the Pokemon did not have to rely on humans to feed them.

Maren, Prism, and Kaida stay with me while I go to Professor Oak's lab. Upon entering the lab I find Jason there.

"Didn't think I would see you so soon Jason."

"Could say the same thing to you too."

"Seems like you two know each other already." At the door way Professor Oak is standing with Blue behind him.

"Good to see you X."

"Where have you been Blue?"

"You know here and there."

"You know Blue Xavier?" Looking at Jason I explain that we met at the front of Viridian City gym. Oak brought some tea and explained that in two months time is the Indigo League. After lunch I make my way back home and start a week longs vigorous training.

The first day I worked with Cove and Maren. After many battles against each other Cove evolved into Dewgong. Dante and Luna paired up and pushed each other to a higher level. Aeron, Cyprus, Nexus, and Prism had a battle royal. Arrow and Kaida fighting in the air. Shula did lapse around the dome to build up stamina.

The second day I road Kaida up in the air and helped him practice air fighting, and to also get a feel for flying. Then went on a run with Shula. The rest of the week went smoothly and by the end of the week we went off for some training with random trainers.

1052 words

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