Chapter Fifteen

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My Pokemon and I have been staying on a snow mountain training for the league. As of right now I am soaking in a hot spring that we found out here in the snow mountains. We have been here for a month and a half training in the extreme cold. Shula and Prism refuse to get into the hot spring waters, but everyone else loves it. Many of the Pokemon here are high level and loves to battle, so each of my Pokemon have gained many levels. The League is in a few days away and we need to leave soon. I pack my stuff and recall everyone but Maren, Prism, and Kaida. While packing a large shadow passed over me. I look up to the sky and spot a large bird. So beautiful.

Something glittering fell down from the sky, a feather fell down in rainbow colors, but mainly red, yellow, and green. I look back up and see nothing but a clear blue sky. Mounting Kaida he takes off for victory road. While flying over victory road I spot a town below with people lined up along the road that goes through town, I have Kaida land a little bit out of town. Exiting the woods I go up to one of the townspeople near the back and ask what they are waiting for. "The runner holding Moltres' flame is coming through the town."

It would be nice to see the flame early, but I will see it at the opening of the Indigo League. I exit the town and take out Shula and rode the rest of the way there. Upon entering the Pokemon Village I get a room alone and register for the league. With the sun setting I feed my Pokemon and myself and retire for the night.

The next morning all the trainers lined up ready to enter the stadium. Maren and Prism walk beside me while we enter. Once every trainer entered the stadium, the runner bearing the Moltres flame entered and light up the cup. After the chairman spoke we left to check what battlefield I will be battling in. The lady spun the wheel and landed on the water field and my opponent will be Mandy. Since I can only use three Pokemon Maren, Cove, and Kaida will be perfect with the water field but my opponent might not use water Pokemon either.

I head back to the lodge and pull up Mandy's page showing his Pokemon Exeggutor, Seadra, and Golbat. Exeggutor is a grass and psychic type, Seadra is a pure water type, and Golbat a poison and flying type. Luna is effective against Exeggutor, but week against Golbat with Seadra being neutral. Cyprus could take care of Exeggutor and Seadra. He could try to take care of Golbat, but he might be tired out and I don't know when Mandy will send out Golbat. Tomorrow will only tell.


Entering the water field the announcer introduced Mandy and I. Mandy sends out Exeggutor while I send out Luna.

"Alright Luna lets start off strong with air slash." Luna disappeared only to appear in front of Exeggutor landing an air slash. It went flying into the water only to come up knocked out. Seems the training in the snowy mountain paid off.

"Exeggutor is unable to battle, red trainer please send out your next Pokemon." Mandy sent out Seadra next. "Seadra hydro pump."

"Luna use sword dance then slash." Luna spun around and blocked the hydro pump. When Luna finished spinning she attacked Seadra with a slash attack and knocked Seadra out of the field.

"Seadra is unable to battle, red trainer please send out your last Pokemon." Should I recall Luna? "Luna can you still battle?" She nodded and turned toward Mandy waiting for him to send out his last Pokemon.

"Golbat use supersonic."

"Luna use slash and throw it to the water." Luna flew into the sky near Golbat and threw it into the water. "Now dive and use sword dance." She dived into the water and created a whirlpool using sword dance. Golbat got caught up in the whirlpool rendering it unable to fight. "Finish Golbat off using slash." Luna ended the whirlpool and attacked Golbat sending it flying out of the water. It landed on one of the platforms knocked out giving Luna the win.

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