Chapter Twelve

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I just boarded the ferry when I noticed that most of the people on the boat were tourist. Quite odd now that I think about it. Dad always talked about how Cinnabar Island was where they studied and revived Pokemon fossils, not a place for tourist. Hopefully I can find the gym through all the tourist spots. A crew member on the ferry had books pointing out the hot spots in Cinnabar Island. Even after going through the book twice, I found no mentions of the gym, but I did find that they mentioned the lab that restores fossils.

The ferry docked and allowed me to look around for the gym. After walking around for a few hours the sun was setting, but I still have not found the gym. Seems I will not be able to continue searching. While looking around earlier a man stopped me and asked riddles, then after gave me a card that says Riddle Inn. I check the hotels and find that they have no rooms. Seems like you have to book in advance. I go near a playground where it is secluded spot to set up camp. Before I set up I take out the card from earlier and find a riddle on the back. If you look the swing, you'll see my hands, or at least my face.

If it is a riddle I don't think it actually means the swings, a clock. There is a clock tower up near the hill maybe this is directions. Following the path to the clock tower, I find a hotel. Inside Mr. Hippie greets me and offers me a room and dinner. After dinner Mr. Hippie said I could use the hot springs. I strip down and scrub the grim down. Once in the hot waters all the aches leaves my body. Maren also enjoy the hot waters, but Prism stayed dried but laid near the edge. Kaida climbed onto the statue, but before I could get Kaida down the head of the statue pushed down and a rumble was heard behind me. Looking behind me I find where the statue use to be was replaced with door. Putting on my black leggings and dark blue jacket and opened the door. Entering I find a battle field suspended over a pool of lava. On the other side of the field was another door, the door opened and Mr. Hippie came out.

"It's not a hat but it keeps your head dry if you wear it means you already lost it." Another riddle. It is not a umbrella because you can't wear it, maybe a wig. "What about a wig."

"That is correct. Because I am Blaine the Cinnabar Island gym trainer." Mr. Hippie took off his wig and revealed that he was Blaine. "Are you ready for our match."

"Yes." Blaine called out Ninetales while I sent out Dante. "Alright Dante let's start off with slash." Dante rushed Ninetales and slashed it but Ninetales side stepped and used fire blast. "Protect Dante, then used brine." He protected against fire blast then blasted Ninetales with a brine attack.

"Ninetales use quick attack." Ninetales dodges Dante brine attack. "Dante use slash continuously." Dante attacked Ninetales continuously and did not allow it to attack. "Ninetales use tial whip on Kabutops." Ninetales knocked Dante back. "Dante can you still fight." He got back up and nodded to me. Alright let's finish this. "Put all your power into one more attack and use brine attack once more." He moved in close and used brine at point blank range. Ninetales is unable to battle. "Ninetales return. I have to admit you are quite powerful, but you wont be so luck this time. Rhydon time to battle."

"Dante return. You did amazing, so rest. Cyprus your turn."

"Rhydon use drill run."

"Dodge then use leaf storm." Cyprus dodge to the left and captured Rhydon in a leaf storm. "Now don't let Rhydon get a chance to break out and use sleep powder." Sleep powder mixed with leaf storm and put the Rhydon to sleep. "Finish this with leaf blade." Cyprus used leaf blade and knocked out Rhydon. "Rhydon return. You may have beat Ninetales and Rhydon, but this is were you will be defeated. Magmar come on out." A large pillar of lava shot out from below and a Magmar jumped out.

"Cyprus return. Maren this is all up to you. Now use hydro pump." Maren blasted at Magmar with a powerful jet of water. "Dodge the use fire blast."

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