Chapter Two

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 Waking up the next morning I see that the egg is safe and Maren is still sleeping soundly with me. Carefully getting out of the sleeping bag I place Maren back into it and rummage through my bag for some breakfast, but save Maren some. After a bit Maren woke up and gave me puppy eyes for my strawberry sandwich. I chuckle and give him the other half of the sandwich. With breakfast done I roll up the sleeping bag and grab my bags and allow Maren to climb with my shoulders. My bags in tow and the egg safely in my arms, I walk the rest of the way of route one to Viridian City.

Stepping into Viridian City I was stopped by a police officer. "Now young man where do you think you are going."

"I'm sorry, but I need to get to the Pokemon center so this egg can get checked out."

"You will not be going anywhere until you show some identification." Identification, the only thing I can think of is my Pokedex. I take it out and open it up and showed it to the officer. The dex stated my name, where I came from, and that it was issued to me by Professor Oak.

"Sorry about that, but there are Pokemon thieves around and you can't be to carefull."

"I completely understand. You can never be to sure, but could you please point me in the right direction of the Pokemon center Officer urrrr.....I'm sorry I don't know your name."

"That is alright and the name is Officer Jenny. Also don't worry I can take you to the Pokemon center in no time." I tried to protest but it all fell in deaf ear. Officer Jenny brought out her motorcycle and told me to hop in the side car. Once I was settled in the side car she shot of like a firework toward the Pokemon center. Thankfully Maren jumped down into my lab before she shot off, or I am sure Maren would have been left behind. We take many turns but we finally made it to the Pokemon center. Instead of stopping near the door she kept on driving into the Pokemon center; we finally stopped but in front of the desk.

"Here you go young man the pokemon center." Looking over at the lady at the front desk, she is glaring daggers at Officer Jenny.

"You do know that there is no drive through, so please next time park outside not inside." Officer Jenny just rubbed her neck and apologized. I get out and thank her for the ride. Turning to the lady I ask her if she could check the egg I found.

"Oh, my. An egg. Now that is rare to find one out in the wild. Of course, leave it to me and Chansey." I hand over the egg to Chansey waited in the waiting area. Officer Jenny then says good bye and left with her motorcycle. Maren climbed up into my lab and demanded for me to pet him. Maren and I waited for a few hours, finally the lady came back with the egg. Getting up I ask if anything was wrong.

"Nothing is wrong, but I am not sure when the egg will hatch so you will have to wait. Until the egg hatches I suggest having the egg checked out in every town or city with a Pokemon Center by the nurses. If you are ever in the city you can always count on me. Oh, how could I forget my name is Nurse Joy." Before I could forget I ask for the directions to the gym. She told me the directions, but said that the Gym Trainer is hardly there.

I take off down the road and find the shopping area. The shopping area is filled with people and pokemon, and thankfully it is not overly crowed. Going through the area I find the store with Pokemon food and stock up a bit. The pokemon food in hand I go and buy some food for myself. Lunch is right around the corner, so I stop by a cafe and order a pecha berry and cream sandwich and some pokefood for Maren.

After lunch Maren and I made our way toward the Gym, but it's closed. "If you are looking for the gym trainer, you are out of luck like the rest of us." Turning around I find a tall male with orange hair and black v-shirt and purple pants and a white side bag.

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