Chapter Nine

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 I follow the directions that the foremen give me, but off to the side was a large old style Japanese mansion. Entering the mansion I called out but no one answered. Pulling off my boots I walk through the many halls of the mansion, but before I could walk farther Prism stopped me. I looked down and found Prism pawing at an invisible wall. An invisible wall seems to be stopping me from advancing. After many more invisible walls and turns I finally found a door. Opening the door a girl was kneeling down on the ground. "Excuse me, I am sorry to intrude."

"Are you here to battle the Fuchsia City Gym?"

"Yes, I am."

"Then you must battle me Aya a ninja warrior. We will each use one Pokemon each. I choose Venonat." A Venonat comes out from behind her and steps out for battle.

"Alright I agree. Nexus come on out for battle." Sending Nexus out Aya commanded Venonat to use stun spore. "Dodge, then use dark pulse." Nexus phased into the floor and appeared behind Venonat and hit it with dark pulse. "Don't let it get the edge. Hypnosis." Hypnosis hit and put Venonat to sleep. "Return Venonat." Aya growled in anger, but a Voltorb rolled on to the middle of the room. Voltorb used explosion and covered the room in smoke. "You have much to learn Aya." Once the smoke cleared an older man was standing behind Aya.

"If you want the Soul Badge you must battle me. I am Koga the Fuchsia Gym trainer. Two vs two." He sent out Venonat while I kept Nexus out. Before we could start Venonat evolved into Venomoth. "Venomoth sleep powder." "Phase into the ground then use night shade." Nexus phased into the ground allowing Venomoth to miss sleep powder. Nexus came up from the ground under Venomoth and landed night shade attack.

"Shadow punch Nexus." The attack landed and K.O. Venomoth. Koga was unable to call out his next Pokemon before Team Rocket blew a hole in the wall. I was about to give Nexus the command to attack, but Koga stopped me and told me to let him handle this. Koga pulled a rope and Voltorb fell down on top of Team Rocket. "Voltorb use explosion." When one Voltorb went off a chain of explosion went off, and blasted Team Rocket through the roof. "Well, why don't we move this battle to outside." Once outside Koga sent out Golbat. "Nexus use shadow punch."

"Golbat dodge then bite." Golbat bite down on Nexus. "Nexus can you still battle." Nexus was weak but he got back up and glowed blue. Nexus evolved into Gengar. "Gengar the shadow Pokemon. Under a full moon, this Pokemon likes to mimic the shadows of people and laugh at their fright." Gengar got up and use shadow ball, he learned a new move. It hit and knocked Golbat down, but did not knock it out. "Shadow ball one more time." "Dodge Golbat." Shadow ball connected and Nexus won the match. "An amazing battle. Here you earned the Soul Badge." Taking the badge I put it in the case with the others and thank Koga for a great battle.

"If you are looking for your next badge Cinnabar Island has a Gym." With that in mind I make my to the nearest Pokemon Center. Once I was at a Pokemon Center many of the trainers were going on about a safari zone near and there are a bunch of strong and wild Pokemon out there. I take my Pokemon and follow the map to the safari zone. I enter what I think is the safari zone and see a herd of Tauros out in the field, but I was not able to go much farther because a Growlithe stopped me. Prism and Growlithe growled at each other, then a girl on a Ponyta came up.

"Hold it don't you know this is a Pokemon Reserve."

"Sorry I did not know who are you and what is this place called?"

"This here is Laramie Big. P Pokemon Ranch and I am Lara Larmie, and this Growlithe makes sure nobody tries to capture our Pokemon."

"Nice to meet you my name is Xavier Loveless. I was wondering if I could see more of the Ranch."

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