Chapter Sixteen

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At the main building they displayed a screen with a barracks to show who is battling who. My next opponent is Assunta and my first six on six battle. I am the second battle today, exiting the main building I head over to the stadium and watch the rest of the first match. Near the end of the match I head down to the tunnel and wait for them to call my match. The trainer from the first match passed and I head on out to the field.


"Rhyhorn use drill run."

"Dodge Maren and use hydro pump." Maren jumped left and powered up a hydro pump and blasted Rhyhorn. "Rhyhorn is unable to battle red trainer please send out your next Pokemon." Assunta sent out Venomoth. "Maren return, Nexus lets go."

"Xavier returned Vaporeon and sent out Gengar. With Assunta down four Pokemon and Xavier have only revealed two of his Pokemon."

"Nexus dark pulse."

"Dodge and use Psybeam." Psybeam and dark pulse collided, but dark pulse overpowered psybeam and hit Venomoth. "Don't let up Nexus use shadow ball." Nexus fired a shadow ball and hit Venomoth rendering it unable to battle. "Venomoth is unable to battle. Red trainer please send out your last Pokemon."

"Ivysaur use solar beam."

"Dodge Nexus and use hypnosis." Nexus phased into the battlefield when solar beam fired off and appeared in front of Ivysaur to put it to sleep. "Dream eater." Dream eater zapped Ivysaur's energy and restored Nexus own. "Ivysaur is unable to battle. The victory goes to Gengar and Xavier." One more battle and we can challenge the elite four and champion. The league gave me and my opponent the a day off to heal and train for our last match. I take the day to plan out and let Maren and Nexus heal and my other Pokemon train.


The battle was long and rough but Prism finished off my last opponents Pokemon. "And the league is over with this years winner being Xavier Loveless from Pallet Town. Congratulations to everyone that has participated in this years league. Now for the award ceremony." Once all the trainers have gathered in the stadium, I was lead to the podium for first place and the second to my right and the third to my left. Mr. Goodshow presented me with the first place trophy and the others a participation reward.

After the flames of Moltres extinguish the stadium lights went out and the league set off fireworks, ending the league. The next morning I met with Mr. Goodshow to discus when I will challenge the Elite Four. "So have you decide when you will challenge the Elite Four ."

"In a weeks time I will challenge them, but I have a request."

"Oh, what is the request and I might be able to complete it."

"I would like to do private matches with the Elite Four not in front of a crowd or allowed them to be broadcast after. I have no fear of the world seeing me lose, but I would rather to keep the outcome of the battle secret win or lose."

"I see. I have no problems with the private matches, but I will have to ask the Elites and just so you know, if you win and become the Champion, you will have to let the gym leaders know."

"I am fine with that. I would like to keep some freedom by still traveling." Mr. Goodshow nodes and leaves me to return home for a week of training.

Hopping onto Kaida, he flew Maren, Prism, and I back to Pallet Town. Entering Pallet Town, the sun has set and the lights in my house are on. Kaida lands in the backyard and I enter the dome to release my Pokemon. "Before everyone goes to sleep I would like to thank you all for battling so well. Even if everyone did not battle this time around I promise the ones that did not will battle against the Elite Four and if the battles are not broadcasted Dante and Arrow you can battle as well. I want everyone to rest up tonight because we have a week to train and we need all the training we can get before we go against the Elite Four. Goodnight everyone." I left everyone but Maren, Prism, and Kaida and they walked back with me to the house.

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