Chapter Fourteen

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Setting up lunch, I call for Maren and Prism from where they are playing and set down their food. Just as I was about to call everyone out, a voice called out, "Are you Xavier the trainer from Pallet?"

"Yes, what do you need?"

"I challenge you to a Pokemon battle." Behind me Prism roared in excitement. Seems like Prism is itching for a fight.

"Very well. Lets battle. Prism your up first." Prism jumped down ready for battle.

"Alright here we go Donphan use rollout."

"Dodge then use slash." Donphan rolled up and shot toward Prism. Prism jumped up and tried to slash Donphan. The attacks collided and sent both of them flying.

"Lets not let that Donphan win Prism. Shadow claw follow up with hyper beam." She raced toward Donphan and landed a shadow claw, then fired a hyper beam and knocked out Donphan. The trainer returned Donphan and let out Pinsir, Golem, and Machamp. So this is how you want to play.

"Nexus time to play. Now shadow ball." They did not stand a chance. Shadow ball connected and finished them before they could start. Seems the extra training with everyone else has paid off. The trainer recalled all his Pokemon and ran off. "You two did amazing. Now lets have lunch. I beat everyone is starving." Calling everyone out I feed them and while I was cleaning up a large gust of wind blew by along with a shadow. Looking behind me a Dragonite landed with a bag hanging on its shoulder. It approached me and handed me an envelope. Inside the envelope a small rectangle disk. The disk projected a woman and she spoke about how I was chosen, along with others, to meet with the world's strongest Pokemon trainer. If I accepted I should go to Old Shore Warf to get to New Island. Inside the envelope was also a paper that had a check mark for yes or no. The world's strongest trainer I see no harm in meet them. Checking yes I hand back the paper and recall all my Pokemon.

Checking the map I quickly make my way to Old Shore Warf. Nearing Old Shore Warf the weather turned from sunny to pouring rain. While Maren enjoyed the weather, Prism despised it. Thankfully we entered the Old Shore Warf building allowing Prism to dry out. Near the back, where you exit to get to the ferries, a crowed formed. I maneuvered my way through the crowed and listened Officer Jenny and another lady talk.

"Listen to me. The prophet has predicted the return of the winds of water. For years I have prayed that mankind would never witness. That deadly storm never again."

"Isn't that just a legend," asked Officer Jenny.

"The ancient writing tells of the storm wiping out all particular Pokemon, and their sorrow the water from their tears some how restores the lives lost on the storm. But there are no Pokemon tears today. Just waters which mean no one can survive."

"And that's why your ferry to new island has been canceled."

A young trainer stepped up and stated he is going to new island anyway that he is water type trainer. The harbor manager tried to convince them that it is just to dangerous. Officer Jenny stated that if his Pokemon got hurt he is out of luck. They had to close down the Pokemon Center due to Nurse Joy going missing.

Some of us trainers did not listen to the warning and went out to the docks and released Pokemon to ride over to New Island. I released Kaida allowed Maren to hop in my bag and wrapped Prism with jacket tying it behind me making a poach so she could stay dry. The tough winds blew Kaida back some, but we made it through. After flying for a few minutes we broke through the storm and in the middle of the eye a large castle building sat. Kaida followed the lights coming down from below and landed on the wooden dock under the castle. Once Prism and Maren jumped back down, allowing me to tie my jacket back around my waist, and Kaida took up his resident spot on my shoulder the lady from the disk walked up and asked for the invitation. Showing her the invitation the hologram version of her said that I could enter, and she asked me to follow her to where the others are.

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