Chapter Five

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Over the next two days my Pokemon and I trained on route nine and ten. Right now we are stopped at a Pokemon Center near the entrance of rock tunnel. Many of the trainers at the Center are going on and on about a rare Pokemon in the area. Paying them no mind, I make my way near the river for a break. Maren and Prism were in the water playing around, while Aeron and Cyprus were playing on land. I dipped my feet in the water and played a soft tune on my violin. A lullaby that my mother taught me. My Pokemon gathered around and laid around me, while I play a soft tune. While playing I feel something brushing against my feet. I abruptly pull my feet up and look down to see what it was; on the surface of the water is a white horn poking out of the water.

Taking my violin bow stick I poke the white horn. It jolted and came up the rest of the way. A blue serpent like Pokemon came out of the water. I take out my Pokedex and ask for information about this Pokemon. "Dratini the dragon pokemon. A dragon type. Long considered a mythical Pokemon until recently when a small colony was found underwater." A mythical Pokemon. "Do you like the music Dratini." It jumped onto land and laid against my leg. I continued to play for a while but night was approaching and I need to get back. Standing up I put up my violin and make my way back to the center. I did not make it far before something wrapped around my leg. Dratini has wrapped it self around my leg not letting go. "Would you like to go with me Dratini."Bending down I let Dratini wrap around my neck. With the rest of my Pokemon I walk into the Pokemon Center and ate dinner. During dinner many of the trainers looked at me in disbelief, but one look from Maren and Prism made them stay away. Once in my room I ask Dratini if I could catch it. Holding out the pokeball Dratini tapped it's head on the pokeball and it dinged.

Letting Dratini back out it curled back around my neck and the rest of my Pokemon curled around me while I slept. The next morning we made our way through rock tunnel along the way I found out that Dratini is a male so I nickname him Kaida. Also during our time through rock tunnel we meet a few trainers, but nothing exciting to tell. Aeron and Cyprus did not mind staying in their pokeball, but Maren, Kaida, and Prism was not so inclined. Maren wanted me to hold him, while Prism had her head poking out of my bag and Kaida was still wrapped around my neck.

Once out of rock tunnel I entered Lavender Town. Lavender Town is know for its Pokemon Tower and in the Tower are supposed to be Ghost type Pokemon. If I want a well balanced Team a ghost type would be perfect. Right now I have two normal types, a bug and poison type, a grass and poison type, and now a dragon type.

Entering the Pokemon Tower it looks more like a home, well mansion, on the inside. I enter the dining room and find a dinner prepared for a banquet. Many of the rooms are in pristine condition unlike the outside. I go around and try to find any sittings of the Pokemon. Since I could not find anything I was about to exit when the chandelier was thrown into the front door. I back up in fright and look behind me to find a Ghastly floating above me. Before I could call Aeron to battle Prism jumped out to battle the Ghastly. "Alight Prism let's do this. Prism bite attack." Jumping up Prism bite down on Ghastly. "Bite once again." Before Prism could get another attack off Ghastly used dark pulse and toxic on Prism poisoning her. "Prism return and let Aeron finish this you did great." Every time that I tried to recall her she dodged. "Prism please you getting hurt past what you could take is not worth it." Prism would not return I know she wants to prove she is strong to, but she does not need to over work herself. "If you insist. Well then, bite on last time." Prism jumped up and bite down on Ghastly. Even though Ghastly is a ghost type and Prism is a normal type bite is able to hit since it is a dark type move and super-effective on Ghastly. Now that Ghastly is wounded I throw a pokeball. It wiggled a few times before it dinged. "Yes, we caught Ghastly." Prism you did amazing. Sorry for not trusting you." Hugging Prism she started to glow blue. She morphed and grew bigger, once the light down a Persian stood where Prism was. Taking out my pokedex it gives me information on Persian. "Persian the classy cat Pokemon. Although its fir has many admires, it is tough to raise as a pet because of its fickle meaness."

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