Chapter One

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Hi my name is Ash Xavier Loveless and it's my first day as a Pokemon trainer. Kids at the age of ten get to start their very own journey with their starter Pokemon by their side. But for five years I spent on the road with my music teacher and helping with my fathers work, but after my fifteenth birthday I wanted to start my own journey, with a Pokemon of my own.

I awoke up early so that I can get to Professor Oak's lab and choose my starter. At the beginning of every ten years old Pokemon journey we get the choice of three different Pokemon the grass starter Bulbasaur, the fire starter Charmander, and the water starter Squirtle. Even though we get to chose our starter I am not sure who I would like to accompany me along my journey.

Getting dressed in a sleeveless white ruffled crop top, black legging that stop mid thighs, a white skirt on top of the leggings but the skirt overlapped in the front, a black corset, a yellow sash around my waist with a pokeball clip holding it, a dark blue jacket around my waist a little over my sash, a cerulean blue sleeveless coat with a white collar, and black high heeled boots that stop below my knees.

I strap my leather pouches from my right shoulder to my left thigh. My sleeveless coat and jacket covering it. Grabbing my leather backpack and violin case I make my way down to Professor's Oaks lab. Once I was in front of the lab I knocked and waited for someone to answer. After waiting for a few minutes with no one answering I open the door and call out, "Hello. Professor Oak. It is me Xavier. I am here to get my Pokemon."

I walked down the hallway calling out some more hoping someone would answer. A loud explosion went off near the back. Running to the noise I find Professor Oak lying on the ground face down with smoke coming off him and the machine next to him.

"Hello Professor are you all right." I tap his shoulder and jolt back when he sat up abruptly.

"Yes, I am. Sorry I did not expect for someone to come this early. I assume you are here for your starter Pokemon." I nodded my head.

"Well, why don't you head outside for a few minutes while I get everything set up. I am sorry I did not think someone would be here this early. "

"It is fine Professor. I just could not sleep any longer." Professor showed me to the back of the lab where he keeps a bunch of Pokemon. He told me to look around while he sets everything up. I make my way through the little ranch he has. Walking through I see many different kinds of Pokemon ranging from Caterpie, Bellsprout, Pidgey, and Magikarp. I come across a field of Pokemon I sit near the edge of the forest watching the Pokemon play. After a few minutes a bush rustled near me, looking over I see a light grayish eevee coming out of the bushes. It looked around before fully coming out of the bushes.

I shuffle a little bit making myself know to the eevee. It looked up at me startled and started backing up. "Hey, sorry for scaring you."

I reach my hand out to eevee to show no harm. The eevee slowly walked forward and sniffed my hand. It rubbed it's head in my hand allowing me to pet it. Picking it up I set eevee down in my lap. I lean up against a tree and mindlessly pet eevee.

After a while I hear Professor Oak calling out for me. I set eevee down and pet one last time before heading back to the lab. But I don't make it far before I fell something rubbing against me. Looking down eevee was rubbing up against my feet trying to get my attention. I kneel down and scratch behind its ear and ask it what is the matter.
Eevee runs toward the way I was walking before it stopped and looked back at me. "Do you want to come with me to Professor Oak's lab."

"Eeeevveee. Eevee." It cried jumping up and down. I ran toward the lab with Eevee right behind me. Running up toward the lab I could see Professor Oak standing in the door way. I stop in front of him and see a surprised look on his face.
"Is something wrong Professor."

"No, not at all. I am just surprised to see Eevee being so friendly towards humans. This particular Eevee is not very fond of humans. He tends to stay away from everyone in the lab, myself included. I know why don't you take Eevee with you unless you want to get one of the starters." Looking at Eevee I can't help but smile. Kneeling down I ask, "Eevee would you like to join me on my journey?" Eevee jumped into my arms and rubbed my cheek with his.

"I will take that as a yes. So with that done I still need to give you your Pokeballs and Pokedex." I followed Professor Oak inside the lab and was given six Pokeballs and a Pokedex. Using one of the Pokeballs I allow Eevee to tap the Pokeball and catch my first Pokemon.

"Thank you so much Professor."

"Think nothing of it." With that I walk out of the lab with Eevee riding on my shoulders, the Pokeballs in the top leather pouch under my coat, and the Pokedex in the bottom pouch. I headed off to Viridian City by going through Rout one. It will take me all day to get to Viridian City, if I do not stop, but I will stop along the way to study the Pokemon some. Two and half days at most.

Most trainers now days want to go off and battle and there is nothing wrong with that but my dream is to be a famous music composer. But I do want to try and be Champion but that might be asking for to much. Ever since I was little music was the only thing I had to remember my mother, and with Dad off at work all day I had no one to rely on. I don't blame Dad but I wished I could have seen him more. As a child I studied the sounds Pokemon made and noticed how beautiful they sound when they sing, so I started to learn how to write music. After a while I got a music teacher to look over some of the music I have wrote. Though they were honestly terrible, but she complimented me on how well they were done since I self thought myself. From then on she taught me how to properly write music. I am nowhere near perfect, but now they actually sound good now when they are played.

There is a gym in Viridian City, but I am not sure if I will participate. I walked through route one hoping to spot a few new Pokemon. "Eevee." Eevee pawed at my cheek from where it, wait Professor called Eevee a he, so he sat from my shoulders. "What is it Eevee?"

"Eevee. Eevee!" Jumping down from my shoulders Eevee raced of the path. I raced after Eevee, I tried to keep a eye on Eevee, but he was fast and I barley was able to catch up with him. Eventually Eevee stopped allowing me to catch up.

"Eevee what is the matter. Why did you run off." I looked at where Eevee was looking at and found a egg. The egg was a plain bieg color with green spots.

"You found a egg Eevee. I wonder what Pokemon it is." Picking up the egg I cradle it in my arms and let Eevee hop onto my shoulder. I think I want to hurry to Viridian City to get the egg checked out. I walked for a few hours until the sun was high in the sky. I have only had a light breakfast, so it is time for a little bit of lunch. Eevee is also probably hunrgy. I walk out to the middle of a field and set Eevee and the egg down. I also take off my cross the body bag and my cross the body violin case. I looked through my bag and found my scarf that I packed incase it got cold.

Using the scarf I made a little nest for the egg. I take out some Pokemon food and a peanut butter sandwich for lunch. Thankfully I brought a bowl for Eevee. Now that I thinking about it Eevee needs a nickname, he is so much different than a regular Eevee.

"Eevee would you like a nickname." I looked to my side where Eevee is eating beside me and found him looking at me with a confused face.

"You know, like another name to call you. You don't have to have one, but I thought a little nickname would be nice to have." He started jumping up and down around me. He would really like me to give him a nickname. Now to think of something.

"How about Leo." Eevee shuck his head. Okay, not that. "Octavia." Another no. Eevee and I go through names for a few hours.

"I did not think it would be this hard picking a name, but you do want it to be perfect. So I do not blame you." Looking down at Eevee a name finally hits me. "How about Maren. If remember it means ocean or one that comes from the sea. How does that sound." Eevee jumped up and down with joy. It seems we found the perfect name. Seems the sun is setting and I would rather not walk in the dark. I set up a small camp with Maren's help and after a small dinner with Maren, which reminds me I need to get Maren some pokemon food, I settle into my sleeping with Maren and the egg surrounded with the scarf and my bag and violin close to me.

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