Chapter 1

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Charlotte’s P.O.V

“Come on get up it's late!” I kick the body that is lying on the bed.

"Oh get away! I wanna sleep” the body turns around and faces the pillow. Oh good now the tantrum again. I pull the sheets and tickle the feet that are inches away from me. I hear a laugh and a growl and that gives me a feeling of satisfaction as that was the reaction I was hoping to get.
“Fuck! Let. Me. Be. I. Can’t. Breath.” he says laughing and growling at the same time. And that was when I let go of his legs with a feeling of mission accomplished and sat on the bed next to him. “Liam you are late again. Get your ass in the shower and get ready. I am down stairs.” I stand up from the bed as Liam tries to catch his breath. I was about to leave but I heard the sheets shift as I thought to myself that Liam never makes his bed and I turned around to find Liam under his sheets again.

“Oh god! Liam I swear if don’t get out of bed, I will take you to our class just like this and I sure as fuck will pour the ice cold water on you” and that seemed to have done the trick as he stumbles out of his bed and went straight to the bathroom mumbling something, that I am pretty sure were curse words.

“Hi Charlotte” Liam’s mom greets me as I enter the dining area as everyone is having their breakfast. “Hi Jenna” I smile warmly at her. She offers me an apple and I take it. About 15mins later Liam comes down. As he walked towards me, I could see his tall figure, his white t-shirt hugging his biceps perfectly. He was wearing a simple yet elegant outfit, skinny black jeans and a leather jacket in one hand over his shoulder, his wet hair resting messily on his forehead. I turned back with a stupid smile.

He hit me from behind, he took the apple from my hand and bit it. “Hey that was mine” I eye him and he just huffs and goes in the kitchen. He comes back with a bottle in his hand. “Bye mom” he says to Jenna and pats on his brother's back and we leave for our school.

This was our last year at school as well as the first day of the year. And as always because of Liam we were late. I rushed to my locker, grabbed the books and went to the class. As I and Liam had different classes in the morning I didn’t wait for him.  After the dreadful hour of math finally the bell rang and I was out in no time.

I see Liam in the corridor with Josh and Anna. “So what’s the plan for lunch?” I ask as I reach them.

“We were just discussing that, How about McDonalds?” Josh asks me and I nod in agreement for the McD burger. “We have the next class together so I am sleeping and you are making notes for me” Liam says to Anna and opens his locker. I and Josh had the next class together.

It was boring in Spanish even Josh the nerd felt like sleeping. “So what’s up with Liam and you?” Josh suddenly asks me. I lift my head up and rest my chin on my hand. “Come again” I ask back. “You and Liam, a thing?” Josh says nervously as he knows that this is the sensitive topic for both me and Liam. “No Joshhh! Sorry to disappoint you but we are just best friends.” I say it with bitterness; Josh got the idea that this was not a good way to start a conversation. “Just asking, don’t get sour on that.” He says playing with the pencil in his hand. I just look at him blankly and go back to my slumber.

The bell rang and the class started to move. I was about to get up but a figure was standing in front of me. I thought it was the teacher but lucky for me it was just Luke.

“Idiot can’t you just say hi instead of standing on my head like a teacher.” “And miss that priceless look of yours” he says laughing. I stand up and playfully punch him in the stomach.
We got out of the class and went to my locker as we had gym next. This was the only class where our whole gang came together. And the teacher dares not to tear us apart as he knows that all of us are capable of creating a riot in no time.

We got to the gym and saw Liam, Anna, Emma were standing there and Josh joined them. I and Luke were the only people left to join the group. “Hey babe!” Luke being the flirt, he waved at Emma. She ignores him and comes to give me a hug. “Hey” I say as the hug breaks. She just started off with
“I was going to pick you up then Mr. Lazy ass (pointing at Liam) messaged me that ‘come and pick me up I don’t feel like driving.’ But before I could say anything I say your location on snap and find you at his house, so I come straight to the school” “Oh so Mr. Lazy ass messaged you for picking him up.”
I look at Liam with a smirk annoying him. We hear our coach call the class together.

“Hey everyone, welcome back. So today is the first day so let’s just have a warm up. So just play on the field with your group. And yes before I forget the trials are tomorrow at 4, so those who all are interested will be there. Off you go.” He turns around and wakes away.

I turn to see that the boys have managed to get the ball and are starting to play. As our gang starts playing soccer, we are loud and curses flying here and there. We play for like half an hour before Josh collapses on the ground tired. As one of us got on the ground, we were dropping like flies.

All covered in sweat and dirt. “Still going to McDonalds?” asks Emma. ‘Yeah’ came out in unison as we all sat up now.

It was officially break time and as always we snuck out of the school on 3 bikes and reached our destination. I was riding with Liam, Emma with Josh and Anna with Luke. We parked our bikes there and went in. We found a corner counter and made ourselves comfortable. Luke, Josh and Liam sit in the inner seats and I subconsciously go and sit next to Liam. The girls sat opposite to me. We ordered our food and started talking.

“So who is coming for the try outs?” Liam asked, placing his hand around my shoulder. “I am not planning to go.” Luke says and is shortly followed by Josh “I am going”
“Luke what is making you not go for the trials, like being in the school team and hot cheerleaders dancing around.” I say hiding a chuckle as I know that as soon as the word ‘hot cheerleaders’ was mentioned Luke decided to go for the trials. “Ummm...On second thoughts I think I am going to the trials tomorrow.” And we all burst out in laughter.

We collected our order. We started talking about the try outs and soon the conversations were divided into 3 couple talks. Anna and Emma were rumbling off about some girl who was wearing torn jeans and guys were talking about the trials and who was expected to be there.

Liam turned to me “Do you know you annoy me to the limit where I want to kill you?” he says smirking. “Oh Yeah and I know you well enough that you love me too much to kill me.” I say innocently and Liam chuckles at my look. “And why the fuck did you tickle me this morning?” He eyes me. “Because you were being an ass and not waking up, if you wouldn’t have woken up I would have used the ice water idea.” I smirked and he gave a puppy dog eyes “really?” Speaking with such innocence made me laugh. “Ya” was all that I was able to manage in between the laughs. Liam and those puppy eyes were the deadly combination. But I was growing immune to it as we spent a lot of time together.

We stayed there for like an hour and then went back to the school. The next class was English and in this class Liam and I were together. We went in and took the back bench that was not that visible to the teacher and slept on each other’s shoulders. It felt so comfortable and warm sleeping here.

The class went by in no time and the bell rang. The bell woke me and when I turned face up, I saw Liam gorgeously smile at me. I was so mesmerized by his blue yet grey eyes that I didn't even move my head. His hand reached out and he tucked the strand of my hair behind my ear that was on my face.

Somewhere someone bumped into the bench and we snapped back to the surroundings we were in. I stand up and we leave for the next class. The other half of the day went by in a blur as I kept on sleeping in the classes.

Finally school was over. Luke met me near my locker and we walked out to the parking lot. He was chattering about how he flirted with his Spanish teacher and is going to get an A for sure in Spanish. As soon as I see Liam with others, my mood lifts up from the sleep. As we reach the group Liam smiles at me and pulls me towards him and rests his head on mine with his hand around my shoulder.

The group says their goodbyes as we leave for the day. Liam was driving because I was way too lazy to drive. Liam pulls in his driveway and we get down. I was too tired and wanted a proper bed to sleep so I went into the house and straight up the stairs to Liam’s room. I laid on the bed and fell asleep soon enough.

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