Chapter 7

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Liam’s P.O.V

The way they went into a stare off was frightening. Lexi came in front of me and Harlo took a step towards her. I was ready to jump between them if anything went south.

“Oh so you're still hanging with this... (Lexi looks Charlotte up and down dramatically)… well this” Lexi turns around and looks at me. I knew that Charlotte was out of the mood already and Lexi was not helping but I was surprised that Harlo didn’t give her a reply.

“Well that you are talking about is my best friend so speak with respect and yes of course I am hanging around her. Anyways what do you want le….” I don’t complete my sentence as I see Charlotte was about to turn around.

“Go ahead and say my name don’t worry she won’t eat you up because she Loves you” Lexi drags the word love and that makes Charlotte stop in her tracks. Oh dear this is going to be bad.

“Well Liam why don’t we just let the tramp be and move towards our house because wasting time is not my policy like others and I don’t acknowledge trash.” Charlotte says with a stern look on her face and that pisses Lexi off.

“Hey you bitch who do you think you are calling a ‘tramp’ and a ‘trash’ I will kill you. I know who you are, Charlotte Grayson and I am not afraid of you.”
I see Charlotte take a step back but why? And what did Lexi mean that she knew who Charlotte was?
“What’s going on here and what do you mean by you know who she is?”

Charlotte takes a step towards Lexi and her expression has changed to being amused. I don’t get it.

“Oh yeah? Babe why don’t you try me and we will see who I am?” ohhh this is getting dangerous Charlotte in amused anger is not the one you would like to go up against. And I think Lexi got the idea and she was taking steps back and she collided into me. Lexi was always a big talk but no action person.

“I have work to do so see you around Liam, and I don’t want to see you ever (looking at Charlotte)” Lexi walks away and we walk towards the house.

After a few steps Charlotte bursts into laughter and so do I. Whatever that was, back there was really funny now that I think of it.

“You should have seen her face when I gave her that smirk. That was surely a priceless one. Now I don’t think she will bother me or even you”
Charlotte says with a smile, her eyes were small and had crinkles at the end, that was a genuine smile. I copy her smile and we walk home in small discussions about my ex and a few bits of laughter. Charlotte had finally cheered up and it felt good.

We went to the house and ate some food and watched TV. I brought the paperwork out of the drawer and dumped them on her lap. “What’s this?” she asks, looking confused at me.
“They are your work, you idiot from my mum.”

She looked at them and made an ‘I don’t want to work right now’ face.

“Oh no! You are not getting off the hook for this, and if you don’t do it now then we won’t make it to the tryouts today. Well you won’t make it I am going no matter what as I have been on the team since freshman year and am not ready to quit now so…”

“Oookay we will start now and will complete before the tryouts now help me”

We started the work and I explained the filling of the documents and the call book of mum's business. We sat there for 2 hours and did the work. I called mom and told her that I would be stilling Charlotte from work and she has done half of it here at home. My mum being a sweetheart allowed it.

“We are going to the tryouts now, get up or we are gonna be late.” I shout at Harlo who is wearing her earphones and relaxing on the couch.  “Don’t shout I can hear you.” She says as she gets up.

We had to walk to the school as my car was still in the school parking lot. We walked in silence for a while and then started talking about my last season.

“Don’t worry he will select you as the team captain and star quarterback as you were last year's quarterback. You were amazing last season.” Harlo tells me as we enter the field.

“I hope so. There is the gang, let's go.” I drag Harlo by hand to the gang at the base of the stands. We exchange greetings. Coach called us in so we boys went off as Emily and Emma went for the cheerleading squad. Charlotte went up in the stands and was sitting there and watching us on the field.

I turned to wave at her and back but I bump into some guy. He was the one who was trying to mess with Charlotte in the hallway.

“Hey there” he greets me with a smile and turns around. I don't know why but I am not liking this person.

I turn around and run on the field to do the warm ups as usual. 

Finally a new update 🙌🏻 🤗 I want to thank you guys for being this loving and reading my small story ❤  it really means a lot to so a BIG THANK YOU 😊 
Will be back with another chapter soon till then enjoy 😉

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