Chapter 11

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Charlotte P.O.V

It was getting close to 11 and I didn’t know what to do about Jake coming over. We did have a bit of an argument on just inviting him like that and for once Emily was on my side that it wasn’t appropriate to let him join because ‘she wasn’t dressed for the occasion’ that was a stupid reason but at least she agreed that was not good.

All i could think of was calling Liam and telling him all of this, he is the only one who will help me through this shit.
“Hello? Are you at the bar?” I asked as he picked up the call.

“yes sweetheart, I am at the bar.” Luke answered the call.

“Fuck off Luke, i want to talk to Liam give him the phone.”

“Well your mister is all lovey dovey with the girl in red hair, so tell me what is that you want to talk about.”

“You seem drunk and wherever that Girl is she can wait for him. I need to talk to him right now and give him the phone LUKE.” I shout his name to make him realize I really need to talk to him. 

There was some shuffling on the other end and i heard Liam say ‘what the fuck are you doing with my phone, me going to washroom doesn’t mean you can play on my phone grow up you...’ he went silent

“Hey Harlo everything ok? These idiots were playing with my phone. If he called you and disturbed you then say” hearing his voice gave me a sense of calm that at least he wasn’t drunk off his ass and would understand.

“yeah actually i was the one to call. I wanted to talk to you.” I said sitting on the chair in my balcony.

“yeah go on what’s up?”

“Jake came by the apartment this evening with the pizza.”

“what the fuck, why was he there with the pizza and how does he know where you live?” Liam interrupted me before I could complete the whole thing.

“Hey listen first then react okay?”

“yeah okay”

I told him everything. “okay so he is going to come by the apartment by 11 and I want you to do something about it.” i say completing everything.

“It was very careless of Emma to invite a stranger like that even though he is in school with us but we don’t know who he is.” Liam sounded disappointed and angry. “Anyways i am coming over with the guys so that you 3 are not alone with that guy and to be honest i don’t like him much.” With that he hung up. I felt a bit relaxed now that I knew Liam was going to be here in a short while and I won’t be alone with Jake.

My phone went off on the coffee table. I looked at it and it was just a number again and if I wasn't mistaken then it was the same number as before this evening. I looked at that number and it wasn't a familiar one. I went to pick up my phone but it went silent. I opened my phone to verify my doubt. And I was correct it was the same number as before, I just couldn’t find out to whom that number belonged. Before I could do anything about it my phone went off again and the same number reappeared on the screen. I couldn’t pick it up because it might be someone waiting to set and confirm the target and the background I come from. We need to be very careful with things like that. I thought of blocking that number but that will give away that the contact was made and the number was recognised.

It was 11:15 and there was no sign of Jake or the boys so I was a bit relaxed that he was not coming. I know the boys will make it. The bell rang and Emma sprinted to the door but returned with a scowl on her face. She was shortly followed by Liam and Luke hung on his shoulder with Josh wobbling his way in the apartment.
Liam threw Luke on the beanbag in the corner. Josh stumbled to the sofa and rested his head in Emily’s lap.
“Why isn’t he here yet?” Emma says pouting.

“Its good that he is not coming, i don’t want him in my apartment anyway.” I say as Liam comes and sits beside me and pulls me into a hug. His strong build arms around me make me feel safe and small, his hard chest gives me a kind of comfort as i press my head against it and hear his heart beat, and I feel at peace with him on my side. He realises me from the hug and stiffens at the sound of the bell, I could see his protective side coming up. I love it when he shows that he is worried and he wants to protect me even though he knows I am capable enough to protect myself.

Emma jumps up and gives me a smile saying “i knew he would come after all it was me inviting him and it's your apartment.” I stiffen at the thought of him so close to my comfort environment, he just may recognize me tonight and all shit may just go down in front of everyone, in front of Liam.

I saw Emma enter the room with a bright smile and was shortly followed by Jake. He looked around the room and when his eyes landed on me Liam shifted a bit in between me and him making his presence known.

Jake looked around once again and then took a seat opposite of me on the sofa. Me and Liam were sitting on the lovesac.

“Sorry to be late and keep you guys waiting.” Jake told Emma.

“Don’t worry we weren’t waiting anyway” I replied and could hear Liam chuckling and that brought a smile to my face.

“Shut up you....” Emma showed me the finger and returned her attention to Jake.

2 chapters in one day well that's a score yaaa 🥳🥳 happy to update again. Feels good to be back.

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