Chapter 9

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Charlotte’s P.O.V

The figure started to come near me and that freaked me out. The air in my lunges is getting heavy and my whole body is freezing. I want to turn around and just start walking as if I didn’t see that person but my body is not supporting me in this. The figure was coming dangerously close. The sound of those heavy footsteps set a trigger in my mind and suddenly I could feel my legs and the voice in my head screamed RUN. I turn around and start with a few steps before breaking into a full on run.

“Wait” the figure calls after me but I don’t stop. I can't take the risk of being caught. I hear a roar of an engine and hear a car speeding behind me. Shit I don’t have an alley to run into, I can try to jump the houses but if there are more people then there would be no use of me jumping the house. I take the risk to turn my head and see how many cars are there. It’s just one; I can manage to jump a house. I take a shape turn to the right and go to the house nearest but I stop dead in my tracks when I hear the man say “It’s James. We need to talk.”

I slowly turn around and come to see a fully grown man with a bulky body and a gun hanging to his waist. I see the trace of a familiar face in the streetlight. I closely study the person in front of me. He really is James, my father's assistant.

“What are you doing here?” I hiss at him as I walk towards him.

“i am here to talk to you, I have received some information related to the Browns.”

“Hush....not here, let's go back to my apartment.” I ordered and took the driver’s side in my lovely jaguar. It’s been really long since I drove my car. As soon as James is in the car I speed back and it feels so good. I park in the far back of the parking lot because I don't need people on my back for this.

“Next time when you decide to visit, give me a heads up so I don't kill you.” We entered my apartment.

“Alex it's been so long since I have seen you. How have you been?” James says as he takes his place on the sofa.

“Shhhhhh...... My name is Charlotte; you are not supposed to call me that. And yeah it’s been long. I am good, how have you been, and how is mum and dad?" I sat opposite him.

“Sorry about the name. Your mum is missing you a lot and your father is still hoping that you will be back soon to talk about your real place. When are you coming back?”

“i can't come back now, it's not the right time and you know if I come back now there would be a war breaking out and I don't want that chaos in my life at least now.”

“I heard that Jack is here in your school, is it true?”

“Well yes it is true and I have kind of locked horns with him once but on the bright side he didn’t recognize me but it seems that he is interested in me and I think I have the chance to know the truth.”

“No you are not supposed to get in his eye. We can’t take that risk if he recognizes you then this last 5 years will go futile and we don’t want that.”

“Knowing the truth is as important to me as my life. I can’t just let everything go, it fucking changed my life and drew me away from my family. I need to know.”

“Al... Charlotte running after it won’t do you any good, trust me when the time is right I will be the one to bring the whole truth in the light but for now please let it alone.”

I get up from my chair and go to the kitchen to make some coffee. I can't stop the images that are flashing in front of my eyes. That night changed the whole future for me. I need time to process it all. After seeing James it feels as if everything just happened yesterday, the wounds of the past are exposed to this awful reality in my mind that creates this illusion that I am still the person who I was 5 years back.

“Your phone is ringing, Liam is calling” James comes in the kitchen and hands me my phone. Liam’s face flashing on my screen makes me realize that I have created a whole new life here away from home. One day I will be going back. How will I leave this life, my friends, work, my Liam. James snapped his fingers in front of me “who is he?”

“He is my best friend.” I give him a pointed look. “James when can I talk to mum and dad? I haven’t seen them since the last time when you abducted me 3 years back. When I came back here, you have no idea how many excuses I had to make to just disappear like that for 2 weeks straight.”

James laughs remembering that time. It was a fun surprise by my parents.

“you will meet them when you decide to come back home. I just came here to check up on you and give you a heads up for Jake.”


James stands up after completing the coffee. We discussed all the business back home. He goes to grab his keys but turns back at me “do you want her or should i take her?” he asks me dangling the keys in front of me.

“i would love to have her here but it will blow my cover so you take care of her.” I walk James to the door and watch him leave as he pulls up his hood and walks down the stairs. This year is not going to be as easy as the last 5. With that thought i go in and lay down on my bed and let sleep consume me.

Hey guys I am back with a chapter I guess you will like this one 😇 enjoy and leave suggestions in the comments 😉

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