Chapter 2

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Liam’s P.O.V

The school was boring as fuck. When finally the day ended I went straight to the parking lot to Charlotte’s car. Anna, Emma and Josh came out together. I was quite disappointed in not seeing Charlotte. They reached me and started planning what to do tonight. After a few minutes Charlotte came into view with Luke. Luke was saying something to her and she was not paying any attention to him. God knows in which world this girl lives.

I see her and she is this short heighted girl with open long black hair. She was wearing a maroon t-shirt today and that complemented her skin, with skinny black jeans and sneakers. As soon as our eyes met I could see her honey brown orbs light up and that made me smile. They reach us and I pull her towards me. I rest my arm around her shoulder and my head on hers.

The group chatted about tonight’s plan and I could feel Charlotte getting tired of it. “Ok we are going to the club; end of the discussion.” I say and everyone gives me thumbs up. We say our goodbye as we get in the car. I offered to drive knowing my best mate too well that she won’t drive. The drive was silent as Charlotte kept her head resting on the window with eyes closed. I doubted that she was even awake but as I pulled in the driveway her eyes snapped open and she was out of the car and in the house in no time. I knew she would be in my room when I entered the house.

“Hey honey! You home” my mom came in the view from the kitchen. I went into “Ya! Mom Charlotte is up stairs probably sleeping” I inform mum about that. “Oh I made this Mac and Cheese just the way you and Charlotte like.”  “Thanks mum” I say and grab a bottle of water from the counter. “So how is Charlotte? I know that she has troubles and won’t tell me so.
How is she doing?” mum questions me with a concerned look.
“She is fine. At least that is what she says. I know better, she has been working this night shift at the hotel just so she could pay her bills.”
I know what my best friend is going through and she still manages to put a beautiful smile on her face every day.
“Umm… I have an idea. Why not ask Charlotte to come and work for me as my assistant in my office with a high salary?”

 “Mum what do you think? I haven’t told her that she can work for you but you know how stubborn she is. Whenever I mention this, her reply is always the same ‘oh please Liam I am not a charity case. I can find a job by myself. Don’t bother Jenna for such a silly thing.’ And then she quickly changes the topic.” I sit on the counter with the bottle in my hand thinking how can I help her? Suddenly an idea strikes.

“Ummm Mom, your assistant is bad at her work, right? So why not fire her and tell Charlotte that you really need help till you find a new assistant and then after a week or two you tell her that she works perfectly and you like her work and you want to hire her because of her work and not because of her situation. What do you say?” “It sounds perfect. So tomorrow I have some firing to do.” She gives me a high five as I get down from the counter. I go to my room.

Charlotte was lying on the bed with her eyes closed. I go and sit next to her. Her beautiful face was peaceful and her breathing was shallow, that confirmed to me that she was in her deep sleep. I didn’t want to wake her up so I quietly lay down next to her. For a while I stare at her peaceful face. There was this strand of hair that was constantly getting in the way of her eyes and was irritating her as well. I softly take that strand and tuck it behind her ear. Her skin feels soft to my hands. I rest my hand on her cheek for a few seconds. I turn to face the ceiling and close my eyes for a while. I get up from the bed and start my playstation. I was bored but didn’t want to spoil Charlotte’s sleep so I just wandered in my room and played games with headphones on.
2 hours passed and still Charlotte was sleeping. I decided to get some sleep myself and as Charlotte was lying on the far side of the bed, there was plenty of room for me to fit in. I lie next to her and close my eyes. After a few minutes I heard some mumbling and then there was a light weight on my chest. I opened my eyes and saw Charlotte’s eyes were in tears in her sleep and her hand was on my chest. “Please don’t do that. Don’t hurt me, mum help me, dad help me. Don’t hurt me please.” And her grip on my shirt tightened and her hand turned into a fist. I could feel her tremble beside me. I wrap my hand around her waist and I try to make her stop shivering. “Charlotte its ok. I am here. I am Liam, your best friend. Shhhhh its ok” I hug her tightly and rub her back. “Charlotte you are safe with me. No one is going to hurt you, ok babe. Calm down.” Her hands wrapped around me and a soft sob left her mouth. I rock us a little bit. With Charlotte lying on me I bring us in a sitting position. She was still shivering but the crying had stopped.

We stay in that position for like 10 minutes before I break the hug and reach for the bottle of water on the nightstand. She drinks some water and she nods towards me, assuring me that she is fine.

To distract her “Hey you are finally out of your hibernation, so why not play game” I say, offering her the controller with a small smile. “Get ready to lose, Loser” she takes the controller sticking her tongue out to me and sits on the edge of the bed ready to play. Shift in her mood made me happy and we started the game. As we play curse words flying in all directions. “Fuck NO!” I scream because I lose. Charlotte was dancing and making weird faces like a smiling child and that annoyed me a bit but still brought a smile to my face.


“So what did the gang plan to do tonight?” Charlotte questioned me, getting the chips out of the bag. “You were there weren’t you when we were discussing this? Oh ya you sleepyhead wouldn’t have paid attention.” I say mocking her.

“Planed to go to the club but canceled because Anna just broke up with her boyfriend.”

“So why not call them here so we can stay in your room and even Jenna is not home and so are the others?”
“That’s what I was thinking too. Okay let me text Luke about the change and tell him to bring some beer as well.”


The doorbell rang and Charlotte went to get it. Luke came in with a container holding beer bottles in one hand and gave me the fist bump. Josh came in after and did the same. Then shortly followed by the sobs and red eyed Anna entered the room with Emma on one side and Charlotte on the other.

Charlotte sat on the bed and I quickly went and lay down in her lap. Anna and Emma on the love sake. Luke and Josh take their place in the other bean bag and the chair.

“I am done with this bullshit. He was cheating on you. Would you stop blaming yourself for that.” Emma says in frustration. I looked up to Charlotte who was looking at Anna. I give her a nudge and raise my eyebrow in question. “He was cheating on her with Maya. She caught them red handed.” She gives me the gist of the situation.
“I bought a fucking bouquet for him. I went to his place to surprise him. I entered the fucking house to find him pushing his toung down that bitch’s throat.” Anna sobs a bit more then continues, “He didn’t even look guilty for what he did.” She choked and Emma hugged her.

“Don’t worry everything will be alright. It was just bad luck that you got in a relationship with the wrong guy. There are so many guys out there and trust me, the one who is going to keep you would be lucky to have you in his life.” Charlotte says reassuring Anna.

“Let’s drink and play some games, shall we?” Luke said in a cheery voice to lighten the mood. The bottles started to pass around and I took one and gave it to Charlotte and took the next one for myself. The conversation started and soon enough Emma was talking about the new guy who texted her to Anna, Josh and Luke started the playstation and played games.

“You okay?” I asked Charlotte. She seemed distracted. “Ummm……yeah…ya totally fine.” She stutters. I knew that she stutters when she is nervous or lying to the person. “What’s up Charlotte? Are you still thinking about the nightmare?” I asked getting up from her lap and look in her eyes that seemed to fill with something too deep but I couldn’t point out what it exactly was. “You know you can tell me right. So spill what’s bothering you?” 

Hello there guys this is my first try and I am nervous 😬 for this so please do show some love. I am open to suggestions and questions about this so go on and feel free 😉
Enjoy your time here
Love you guys 🤗

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